Lunar Eclipse 2023: Though the Chaturgrahi Yoga Is Going to Illuminate Your Luck, Stay Alert

01 May, 2023
Lunar Eclipse 2023: Though the Chaturgrahi Yoga Is Going to Illuminate Your Luck, Stay Alert Lunar Eclipse 2023: Though the Chaturgrahi Yoga Is Going to Illuminate Your Luck, Stay Alert

The moment we are going to discuss about Lunar Eclipse 2023, we must keep in mind the fact that in astrology there is special mention of eclipses both Solar and Lunar. The impact of the eclipses fall on human beings, at the same time it even impacts the countries located in different parts of the globe.

It is also known that the eclipses influence the natives of all zodiac natives; some may feel the breeze of the spring, some may be disturbed by the summer gale. At any cost, impact is there either to please or make sorry the natives of the 12 zodiac signs. 

Read More on Lunar Eclipse

Beforehand on 20th April the first solar eclipse took a toll on the natives of various zodiac signs. Within the limited span of only 15 days such two celestial things are going to take place back to back. According to astrologers after a long span of 12 years the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu will be posited together in Aries Zodiac sign. Hence a special auspicious Yoga is going to be created. It is hoped that with the special favor of the Yoga some may notice something special happening in their lives. The specialty of this Yoga is that some people, who have to hide their faces behind the curtain of despair for a long time, may come forward with sweet love hovering on their lips.

The Time of The Lunar Eclipse 2023

On 5th May the Lunar eclipse will take place at 8.46 PM and the end ensues at 1.20 AM. The eclipse will continue for about 4 hours and 15 minutes. At the same time from the sun rise of 5h May until 9.17 AM the Siddhiyog will be on the vicinity. At the same time since morning till 9.40 PM Swati Nakshatra will reign on the cosmos. Hence it is regarded that the time is really auspicious. This eclipse will be seen from New Zealand, Australia, South East Europe and some parts of the Asia.

The New Yoga on The Offing

After 130 years such an auspicious Yoga is going to take place. It is such a moment when Saturn is posited in his own house Kumbh or Aquarius. Jupiter, Mercury and Sun are posited in Aries. As there is the conjunction of the sun and mercury in Aries Zodiac sign, Budhaditya Yoga has been formed. The Yoga is really an auspicious one and it will enhance the fortune of many people.

The Importance of Charity on This Eclipse Day

On this auspicious tithi according to astrologers and pundits, if someone is engaged in charity he can beckon good luck and fortune. On this moment it is thought holy to have a dip in the holy rivers and donate anything to the destitute.

Read More on Chandra Grahan: Dos and Donts

We have already aware of the facts that the eclipse is sure to cast effect on every human irrespective of their domicile, some are good and are absolutely ominous. But the astrologers from the very beginning are able to predict who are going to taste the cream of the eclipse and who are really to bear the brunt of it.

Anyway we are trying to focus on both good and bad impacts of the Lunar Eclipse 2023 on the natives of the zodiac signs.

Gemini Zodiac Sign

The New Year 2023 eclipse is sure to open the Pandora’s Box for the natives of the Gemini zodiac people. Opportunities are galore on every sphere. Financial aspect is sure to be boosted with the grace of the lunar lord. Economic and financial conditions are going to go up. Employees are going to enjoy good chances in their respective offices. Income is seen on the cards. 

Read More on Effects of Chandra Grahan on Moon Signs

Those who have been running here and there for a job may all a sudden have a glimpse of it. At the same time those who are associated with business may expand their respective businesses worthy of mention. A new deal is going to be signed. At any cost there is silver lining in the horizon for the Gemini People.

Capricorn Zodiac

You are sure to burst into sweet laughter as new chances are on the offing dear Capricorn. Though you are looked at furtively sometimes from a special point of view, you are sure to remove the stigma @ Lunar Eclipse 2023. 

Opportunities are causing deluge on your path. Your career is going to touch the sky and new boost ups are awaited. Your professional life is sure to be filled with opportunities. You are sure to stride ahead with long steps. Assets are sure to be on the rise. The scope of being affluent is too is foreseen.

It can be told with utmost joy that it is the Lunar Eclipse 2023 that is sure to shower affluence. Monetary transactions held up for a long period is sure to enter your bank account. In the workplace your name and fame are sure to notice halcyon days. Promotion is indicated too.

Read More on Chandra Grahan - Askganesha Astrology

In the Hindu religion the eclipses are considered the most ominous things. The impact of the eclipse influences the natives of various zodiac signs. Natives of some zodiac signs taste the essence of sweet influence while others have to be tormented by the impacts of the said eclipses. Sometimes the influence seems to be extremely fatal and dangerous for the natives. 

On 5th May on the very day of Buddha Purnima 2023 the lunar eclipse is going to take place. This is for the first time such eclipse is going to occur on the very New Year. But the most pathetic side of this eclipse is that, it is not seen from India. Hence the Sutak period of this eclipse is not going to have any effect on our country, though the impact is sure to be felt here too.

Now let us cast a glance at the to-some-extent- malefic- effects of Lunar Eclipse 2023 on the natives of different zodiac sign natives.


The natives of the Aries zodiac people are sure to be tormented from all sides by the eclipse. They are sure to be disturbed and vexed in different ways. If you are a native of the Aries Zodiac sign you have to face some obstacles. Having been an Aries native you have to be extremely cautious before and after the said eclipse. We are going to warn that during this period you may take such wrong decisions that may lead you o utter despair and trouble. So Arians don’t be misled, take decisions properly. Your financial aspects may be affected too due to this negative influence of the eclipse. Your mind is sure to on the upheavals, something disoriented and some legal complications may sprout at this very period. Hence it is the best way to take every decision with utmost care dear Arians.

Taurus Zodiac

The first lunar eclipse of 2023 is not so pleasant for you Taurus too. You have to face some problems during this eclipse period. It is warning from our part not to be associated with simple feuds or fracas. The better option is to stay aloof and keep you confined within the safe corner. A furious storm is coming fast to smash your homely pleasure. Hence be cautious.  Disharmony and unpleasant situations may fill your life with pangs and agony. Family peace is sure to bid good bye. It is the best thing to avoid all types of confrontations and stay focused on total tranquility. Never lose your temper to keep aside mental languishment.

Cancer Zodiac

Hey Cancerians we are not able to announce anything good for you too. We are sorry to tell you that you can’t but be hold the rein of your life cautiously and look before you really leap. Various issues are looming large in the corners. Various problems are ready to make you harassed. 

But the most considerable factor is to focus on your health. It is the time to be highly concerned with your health hazards as they are peeping from outside to pounce on you. In the field of work too there are problems galore to disturb your mental serenity. It is the advice from our part to go on praying to Lord Shiva to win His grace. Once you can win His favor it is expected that you will be able to evade the bad impacts to some extent.

Leo Zodiac

Again we are bound to bring for the Leo people bad news. What can we do friends? It is the disorientation in the cosmos that is bring for you very malefic results too. Many unpleasant situations are there to harass you; some moments are ready to tarnish your ego. 

Read More on Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse)

Ominous effects of the Lunar Eclipse 2023 are sure to bring auspicious situations for you dear Leos. Some bad news may reach you from afar. Take care of your family; some mishaps may make you disturbed this period. It is advised from our part- before taking any important decisions think twice all the while. If you fail to dodge arguments, you are sure to be engulfed by the deluge of despair. As the first Lunar Eclipse 2023 is going to take place in the Libra Zodiac Sign, it is better to take extra precautions. But don’t worry, have faith in God and we hope, He will always be with you all the while.


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