Stand-out Features of Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 All Should Know

28 December, 2022
Stand-out Features of Marriage Shubh  Muhurat 2023 All Should Know Stand-out Features of Marriage Shubh  Muhurat 2023 All Should Know

Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 is obviously the phrase that swells the hearts of those who are yet to tie knot. Perhaps it is the time to go for their aspirations and it is hoped it is going to be materialized. An encompassing definition of marriage goes thus, marriage is a formal union and social and legal contract between two souls that legally, economically, and emotionally unites two lives. Marriage has numerous benefits for not only a person but everyone around too. It helps in making social bond and even assists to a great extent economically towards the entire community.

Planets play vital roles in marriage. Therefore, it is essential to know which make a marriage successful. According to Vedic astrology, it is crucial to match the horoscope of the bride and the groom to find the doshas and gunas. Also, it is necessary to cast a glance at the compatibility between the groom and the bride who are going to tie a knot.

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Marriage, full of laughter, everyday in Paradise

When does the perfect time to marry come? Depending on the matching of the horoscopes of the bride and the groom the date of the marriage is fixed. It is an evident fact that Indian wedding ceremonies are famous in the globe because of their traditional rituals.

Marriage is a loving bond of two souls that brings two hearts and the members of the two families together. Apart from everything joyous, the belief in horoscope matching in other terms Kundli Milan, has immense importance for the would be married and their families. Thus, when the compatibility of the horoscopes of the bride and the groom matches, the process gets a big impetus and moves on towards joining two souls. The matter is steered too that if the kundli matching is perfect the couple can lead a happy married life. On the contrary, when there is a perfect mismatch in the kundlis, the marriage is not ruled out rather there are options of various ‘Vidhans’ or so called suggestions to pave the way.

But steer clearing the Kundli Matching if the duo or their respective families move forward, they may suffer from negative impacts in their conjugal life. So, before tying the knot, it is essential to go for the auspicious time for the marriage. Without having any idea of auspicious Muhurat, the marriage ceremony is not at all complete and auspicious. Astrologers consider multiple factors while opting for the marriage shubh muhurat 2023 for marriage.
Actually, the proficient pundits and astrologers take into account the Panchang Shuddhi that hints at not only the auspicious dates of marriage but also the auspicious time to initiate it.

According to different sacred scriptures like Muhurta Chintamani and Dharmasindhu, marriage should not take place while Shukra Tara and Guru Tara set. Hence, Panchang Shuddhi is required for auspicious marriage dates after removing the specific days when Shukra and Guru Tara lack luster or combust. Panchang Shuddhi is done on a particular day of the lunar month.

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Why opting for Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023?

When a marriage is fixed after minute observations of the birth charts of the bride and the groom, it leads to a happy and blissful marriage. If a marriage takes place on a Shubh Muhurat based on prolific analysis, it showers immense blessings and well wishes on the couple. According to Hindu tradition since ancient periods, opting for the auspicious marriage dates and getting married on those particular days will benefit the couple.

It will definitely lead to a happy married life with family expansion. Generally, people often fix marriage dates at their own conveniences, bypassing an astrologer. As Shubh Vivah Muhurat is not considered, series of quarrels and altercations between husband and wife continue. There comes a spur in the relationship and ultimately the worst result ensues.

It is the Panchang and the Kundli that play a vital role while calculating the Shubh Muhurat . Astrologers try to assess the position of the Moon in the constellation, and go through the horoscopes of the bride and groom while considering the Auspicious Muhurat. The Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 is based on the date of birth. This method can play a role to avoid problems for the couple and their families. The Shubh Muhurat should be considered based on horoscopes.

Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023, Date, Time and Nakshatra

According to Hindu marriage systems people stress on the phase in favor of constellations and planets to gain a lot. The marriage Muhurat is evaluated by the Moon- date, yoga, and position. Usually, the astrologers or pundits opt for the Shubh Vivah Muhurat having used the birth chart of the aspirants willing to get married.

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Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 January

Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi

January 15, Sunday 7:12 PM to 7:15 AM Swati Navami
January 18, Wednesday 7:15 AM to 5:23 PM Anuradha Ekadashi, Dwadashi
January 25, Wednesday 08:05 PM to 7:12 AM Uttarabhadrapada Panchami
January 26, Thursday 7:12 AM to 27 January 7:12 AM Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati Panchami, Shashti
January 27, Friday 7:12 AM to 12:42 PM Revathi Shashti, Saptami
January 30, Monday 10:15 PM to 7:10 AM Rohini Dashami

Marriage Shubh Muhurat February 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi

February 6, Monday 09:44 AM to 07:06 AM Magha Pratipada, Dwitiya
February7, Tuesday 07:06 AM to 04:03 PM Magha Dwitiya
February 9, Thursday 07:05 AM to 10 February 07:04 AM Uttara Phalguni, Hast Chaturthi
February 10, Friday 07:04 AM to 04:45 PM Hasta Panchami
February 12, Sunday 09:50 PM to 02:27 AM Swati Saptami
February 13, Monday 02:36 AM to 07:01 AM Anuradha Ashtami
February 14, Tuesday 7:01 AM to 12:26 PM Anuradha Navami
February 16, Thursday 6:59 AM to 10:53 PM Mool Ekadashi
February 22, Wednesday 6:54 AM to 23 February 6:53 AM Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati Tritiya, Chaturthi
February 23, Thursday 6:53 AM to 2:23 PM Revati Chaturthi
February 27, Monday 4:12 PM to 28 February, 6:48 AM Rohini Ashtami, Navami
February 28, Tuesday 6:48 AM to 1 March 6:47 AM Mrigashira Navami, Dashami

Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 March

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi

March 6, Monday 06:41 AM to 04:17 PM Magha Chaturdashi
March 9, Thursday 09:08 PM to 10 March 5:57 AM Hast Tritiya
March 11, Saturday 07:11 AM to 07:52 PM Swati Chaturthi
March 13, Monday 08:21 AM to 09:27 PM Anuradha Shashti

Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 May

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi

May 3, Wednesday 05:39 AM to 08:56 PM Hasta Trayodashi
May 6, Saturday 9:13 PM to 7 May 5:36 AM Anuradha Dwitiya
May 8, Monday 12:49 AM to 05:35 AM Mool Chaturthi
May 9, Tuesday 05:35 AM to 05:45 PM Mool Chaturthi, Panchami
May 10, Wednesday 04:12 PM to 11 May 5:33 AM Uttarashada Shashti
May 11, Thursday 05:33 AM to 11:27 AM Uttarashada Shashti
May 15, Monday 09:08 AM to 05:30 PM Uttara Bhadrapada Ekadashi, Dwadashi
May 16, Tuesday 05:30 AM to 01:48 PM of May Uttara Bhadrapada, Revathi Dwadashi, Triyodashi
May 20, Saturday 05:18 PM to 05:27 AM Rohini Pratipada, Dwitiya
May 21, Sunday 05:27 AM to 05:27 AM of 22 May Rohini, Mrigashira Dwitiya, Tritiya
May 22, Monday 05:27 AM to 10:37 AM Mrigashira Tritiya
May 29, Monday 05:24 AM to 05:24 AM on 30 May Uttaraphalguni Navami, Dashami
May 30, Tuesday 05:24 AM to 08:55 PM Hasta Dashami, Ekadashi

Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 June

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi

June 1, Thursday 06:48 AM to 07:00 PM Swati Dwadashi, Trayodashi
June 3, Saturday 06:16 AM to 11:16 AM Anuradha Chaturdashi
June 5, Monday 08:53 AM to 01:30 AM of 6 June Mool Dwitiya
June 6, Tuesday 012:50 AM to 05:23 AM on 7 June Uttarshana Chaturthi
June 7, Wednesday 05:30 AM to 09:02 PM Uttarshana Chaturthi
June 11, Sunday 02:32 PM to 05:23 AM on 12 June Uttara Bhadrapada Navami
June 12, Monday 05:23 AM to 09:58 AM Uttara Bhadrapada/ Revati Navami, Dashami
June 23, Friday 011:03 AM to 05:24 AM on 24 June Magha Panchmi, Shashti
June 26, Monday 01:19 PM to 05:25 AM Hasta Ashtami, Navami

Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 November

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi

November 23, Thursday 09:01 PM to 06:51 AM on 24 November Revati Dwadashi
November 27, Monday 01:35 PM to 06:54 AM Rohini Purnima, Pratipada
November 28, Tuesday 06:54 AM to 06: 54 AM of 29 November Rohini, Mrigashira Pratipada- Dwitiya
November 29, Wednesday 06:54 AM to 01:59 PM Mrigashira Dwitiya

Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 December

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
December 6, Wednesday 07:00 AM to 07:01 AM on 7 December Uttaraphalguni Navami, Dashami
December 7, Thursday 07:01 AM to 04:09 PM Hasta Dashami
December 9, Saturday 01:43 AM to 11:37 PM Swati Dwadashi
December 15, Friday 08:10 AM to 06:24 AM on 16 December Uttarashada Tritiya, Chaturthi

Auspicious times to notice in Vivah Shubh Muhurat 2023

Marriage is always regarded a sacred bond since time immemorial. For this reason persons related with this subject are always on the go for auspicious dates. As they know the dates hold a significant place along with the specific auspicious moments. Let us cast a glance at the most auspicious Muhurats in 2023 for marriage. These are day, date, yoga, nakshatra, and obviously karan.

How many Karanas are there?

According to Hindu scriptures there are Kinstughan Karan, Bab Karan, Balav Karan, Kaulav Karan, Taitil Karan, Gharo Karan, and Vanij Karan. These karans are regarded suitable for marriage.

Muhurat: Abhijeet and Godhuli will be treated as the most auspicious Muhurats for marriage.

Date: Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Ekadashi and Trayodashi Tithis are auspicious for marriage. Marriage during these auspicious periods produces more beneficial results.

Nakshatras/Stars those Favor the marriage

Nakshatra: Rohini Nakshatra (4th Nakshatra), Mrigashira Nakshatra (5th Nakshatra), Magha Nakshatra (10th Nakshatra), Uttara Falguni Nakshatra (12th Nakshatra), Hasta Nakshatra (13th Nakshatra), Swati Nakshatra (15th Nakshatra), Anuradha Nakshatra (17th Nakshatra), Mool Nakshatra (19th Nakshatra), Uttarashada Nakshatra (21st Nakshatra), Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra (26th Nakshatra), Revati Nakshatra (27th Nakshatra) are called auspicious.

Auspicious Days to enter into a new life

Auspicious days for marriage are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are auspicious days for marriage. It has to be kept in mind that weddings on Tuesday are to avoid. This day is absolutely inauspicious for marriage.

Yogas highly auspicious for marriage

Preeti Yoga, Saubhagya Yoga, and Harshana Yoga are exceedingly convenient for marriage.

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Inauspicious times for Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023

There are Shubh Muhurats or periods in 2023 for entering into a new life through a tunnel named Marriage.

There are numerous tithis, nakshatras, and many more things to take into account when one has no other way than to avoid auspicious ceremonies.

When Jupiter and Venus are either combusted or in a bad position, the time is regarded not so benefic to marry in 2023.

Marriage aspirants must try to avoid the Chaturthi, Chaturdashi, and obviously Navmi tithis while taking into account Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023.
Again the movement of Sun in the Cancer sign, Leo, Virgo, and Libra zodiac signs are also regarded inauspicious for marriage for the natives who are eager to tie a knot.

Significance of Shubh Marriage Muhurat 2023

To get married in right time, right age, and right moment are considered holy phases in a man’s life. It has intense impact on life. According to Vedic astrology, there is a karmic relationship associated with the marital bond of a holy marriage. Therefore, opting for a date from the list of Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 is crucial for the future husband and wife, future life, family, and the people associated with the nuptial knot.

Let us brood over the best

During an auspicious moment of marriage, a positive karmic relationship is well knit between two souls destined to live together forever.

A Tithi has the power to bestow mental, physical compatibility and obviously peace. So, before making a schedule for a wedding party one should look ahead for the bright prospect.

Planning a marriage on the Shubh Muhurat or auspicious times favors the chances of a long and stable marriage life. Again it removes the possibilities of separation.
Marriage Shubh Muhurat 2023 will help everybody to bring in the blessings of the God in everyone’s married life. In addition, it helps maintain harmony between the bride and the groom instilling trust and the vibes to respect each other beckoning love.

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