Should Men too fast on Karva Chauth?

13 October, 2019
Should Men too fast on Karva Chauth? Should Men too fast on Karva Chauth?

Karva Chauth is a festival of Hindus celebrated mostly in the northern part of India. It is a festival in which married women fast (Nirjala fast) for the long life, prosperity and happiness of their husband. Unlike any other fast, women donot even have a drop of water. The festival marks its celebration in the Krishna Paksh of Kartik month of the Hindu calender. The fast is observed on the 4th day after full moon (Poornima). It is considered to be the biggest fast for married woman for their husband.

Read More on : Significance of Karwa Chauth Vrat

Punjabi culture follows the tradition of having Sargi early in the morning before sunrise. Sargi which is prepared by mother in law is made of feni (vermicili), milk and sugar. In the Uttar Pradesh region, families eat feni on the eve of karva chauth while the ladies listen to the karva chauth katha in the evening. Woman opens the fast with the appearance of moon on the night sky and giving argh to moon. They offer puja to the moon by looking at it through a sieve. They open their fast by having water from their husbands.

Karva is the earthan pot which is considered to be Lord Ganesh. Women begin preparations few days before for this festival. They buy new clothes, new bangles and make up items etc. Mehandi is another attraction of this festival. Now as the time has changed, so the festival also has come up in a big way where in now woman do take care of themselves with little extra effort for the preparations of this festival.

Now the question arises- Should only women pray for the well-being of their husband? Why not men too fast along with their wives for their happiness and good life?

I believe that men and women play equal role in each other's life. Being the better half of each other does not mean to take care of your soul mate for a day; rather take this initiative for the lifetime. I have come across married couples where man fast for their wife. I feel happy and proud of such couple who believe that husband and wife are made for each other.

Just like women fast for their husband with their own will, I believe men should also take the initiative towards their relationship and fast for their wife.

Our society believes that a woman is incomplete without man. I strongly condemn the patriarchal behaviour of our community. Just like a woman is incomplete without her man, in the same way a man is incomplete without her lady. They play an equally important role in each other's life hence both the soul parts should play their role responsibly and pray for each other happiness and well-being.

We at AskGanesha respect the effort showed by all the married on this Karva Chauth and expect men to play their responsible role of husband towards their wife. Women break their fast by performing puja of moon.

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