Connect with the Plant or Flower based on your Sun sign

31 October, 2022
Connect with the Plant or Flower based on your Sun sign Connect with the Plant or Flower based on your Sun sign

Do you know certain flowers or plants attract us more because of our Stars or Zodiac sign?

A few years back, when I got the chance to build my own corner space in the house, I filled it up with air-purifying plants like Aloe vera, Bamboo shoots, Tillandsia, and Money plants. All hanging in the corner, inside the transparent glass. And air and water nurture them.

Read More:  How Lucky Bamboo plant brings good luck and fortune

While my spouse who is a Cancerian loves a bouquet of lily flowers, it lights up his mood and the space around him.

To pacify my curiosity, I plodded on to explore the flowers or plants’ connection with the Zodiac sign. To my surprise, it instantly established a correlation with my inclinations toward Air plants and lily flowers. Further research with friends and family strengthened my revelation. 

And I also realised that nurturing flowers or plants in your space brings Happiness in life and keeps negativity at bay forever.

I am sure you too will find these facts interesting. And relate with what nature has stored for you based on your sun sign. 

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Aries are strong-headed and independent decision-makers. They are fire signs and go-getters in life. So, if you are born in the Aries sign, low-maintenance plants will suit you most as it doesn’t interfere with the work routines. You get the independence to spend just as much time as you are left with the plant. 

Succulent plant like Zebra plant or sunflower family plants like Zinnias or impatiens also matches your personality traits. These plants are very easy to handle and don’t demand constant attention and patience. All they need is a lot of light, else water only when you see the soil is drying up. So, introduce to your crème décor these stripped pattern vibrant coloured plants, to lift your spirit when tired of running around. 

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Taurus inclines luxuries and comfort in life. At the same time, they are patient, hardworking, and determined to give their best to whatever their heart desires. You belong to the earth sign which is ruled by the planet Venus. 

Since you are willing to spend time and effort to acquire the best possible, a high-maintenance plant or flower won’t be a troublemaker. A fiddle leaf fig that can grow up to 10 feet indoors will be perfect in Taurus’s plush house. 

Other luxe plants like Lilacs, earthy fragrant Patchouli plants, and Violets the plant of love ruled by Venus planet, are apt for Taurus. 

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Geminis are the most vivacious, versatile, and easy-to-mingle people. They are known not to follow a set pattern and prefer to explore and learn. As Gemini doesn’t like to be hooked onto one thing forever and adapts to all sorts of situations, the air plant is the best match. 

Similar to the Gemini personality they are easy to have around your space. Air Plants don’t need soil to grow, air and water are sufficient for them to survive. And you can easily change their location as they have good adaptability to the surrounding.

Other than Air plants, fragrant plants like Lavender, Lily or Rosemary plants also suits this sign as it infuses mental clarity. Gemini needs to have more clear thoughts, as their mind is always eager to connect with everyone at intellectual levels. And sometimes even end up creating more chaos in their life. 

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Cancerians are extremely sensitive, dedicated, and caring people. People close to them always feel secure and nurtured. And when they get upset a little attention lifts their mood. They belong to water signs. 

You can easily relate to the peace lily air purifier plant. A lily plant also needs a little bit of attention every day otherwise, it loses charm. 

The Mimosa Pudica plant, similar to your characteristic quickly folds into itself when the leaves are touched. It is another relatable plant that is regarded as sensitive as Cancerians. If nurtured properly without intruding on their space they give pretty flowers in shades of pink, yellow, or purple. 

The Jasmine flower plant is also a perfect fit as it has calming effects on your sudden mood swings. 

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Leo is considered to be a royal sign and has a strong aggressive personality. On all occasions, they like to gauge attention through their style or colourful personality. They are also caring and warm people. The vibrant colourful Bromeliad plant and variety of Rex begonia suit well in a Leo home. And very much like your personality, these bright and colourful plants become the centre of attraction of your house.

Their positive energy and vitality connect well with the Sunflower plant, Camomile, and St. John's Wart. You would also love to have the Rex begonia plant, which is available in various styles and colours. 

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Virgos prefer to do things in a certain way and to accomplish that they work very hard with one goal set in their mind. Which at times makes them a recluse and people tend to believe that they are a narcissist in nature.  

A rubber plant that is mistaken to be artificial aptly fits Virgo’s space. And as most of the time, you are overstressed with their aspirations they need a plant that helps them to relax, heal and sleep like Valerian, Verbena, and Echinacea.

Also, a Prayer plant would calm down your restlessness to accomplish your aspirations.

Are you aware the leaves of the Prayer plant at night fold up as if they are doing prayer?

So, a Virgo who prefers being alone with their thoughts understands well this plant.  These are high-maintenance plants that meticulous Virgos can happily maintain. 

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Libran is a balanced and harmonious person. They know how to handle a situation diplomatically because they prefer harmony over agitation. They are inclined to suave beautiful things in life. 

Monstera plant with symmetrical cuts is a perfect plant for them, which looks like a magnificent piece of art in a well-lit décor.

Daisies and Roses, the flower of love, may help you make decisions in matters of the heart.

As you are a peace-loving person, and easily adapt to a situation peaceful white Lily can be one of your best plants. 

These plants reflect your desire for sophistication and amicable things for your living space. 

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22)

Your opinionated, possessive, and self-contained nature sometimes comes across as intimidating and incomprehensible personality traits. 

A Venus flytrap plant perfectly matches your reserved nature. You will be able to identify well with the way the Venus flytrap swiftly closes its mouth when poked.

Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi can be another best plant buddy for your home. It is a small perennial shrub with orange berries. Its leaves have medicinal properties. Your passionate and self-reliant nature would surely connect with this plant.

Low-maintenance Snake plants also suit you the most as it doesn’t need consistent attention. It can grow up to 4 feet tall independently. 

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

If you are a Sagittarius you like to travel, and are always in search of an adventure in life. Also, don’t lose any opportunity to make statements about yourself. The fire signs make you Impulsive, optimistic, Curious, and Fun-loving. 

A colourful bold patterned Maranta plant that changes its position in its pot during the day is a perfect match for Sagittarius.

And since you want something bigger and better experience en voyage a Magnolias tree with large fragrant flowers connects well with your wish list.

But for your home, a Viper’s bowstring hemp or Snake plant aptly relates to your slightly reckless behaviour. These are the easiest plant to maintain and just the way you are they also become the focus of attention in any space without much effort. 

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Capricorns are persistent, focused, and have unflagging energy to achieve pre-set goals. Takes care of every minor detail of the task at hand.

Accordingly, you can patiently take care of the Jade plant as it takes time to grow and requires good care.

And as you are not scared to handle any big task, you should plant aromatic bay laurel or bay leaf trees.

Also considering that you value traditions and have lots of patience, you will connect well with a Juniper bonsai tree. Bonsai is the traditional art of producing small trees in pots that resembles a fully-grown tree. Smoothly you will be to bestow the attention, dedication, and care it requires. 

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Aquarius is quite different from other signs. They are an air sign, creative, dreamers, and have the qualities of a leader. They don’t like any restrictions and are ambitious to realize their dreams. 

Thereby, the Pothos plant will make a good match for creative Aquarius.

You will find yourself connecting well with the spring Starflower plant and Spikenard flower.

And the unconventional-looking Lifesaver plant would draw your attention for sure.

All these low-maintenance plants have unique patterns and they perfectly complement your unique reflective and free spirit. 

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

You are daydreamers, creative, good listeners and selfless compassionate people. Usually, they go well with the flow of the situation without much hassle. 

Spider plants self-reliant indoor plant that doesn’t need much attention and looks pretty are a suitable match for Pisceans.

Your spiritual inclination brings you close to the lotus plant which is used in puja or prayer ceremonies. 

Since the water sign Pisceans are night hawks you will love to see a nicotiana plant that flowers at night in your space.

An eye-catching String of pearls plant will add to your home décor creatively. It has round-shaped leaves and is a very adaptable plant. 

To conclude I would say, because of the qualities we acquire at the time of birth from our Planetary positions, we get captivated by a specific plant. 

We usually connect the qualities of the plant with our innate nature.

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