PM Narendra Modi's Teacher's Day Speech

07 September, 2014
PM Narendra Modi's Teacher's Day Speech PM Narendra Modi's Teacher's Day Speech
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of teachers day said that teachers are the light of the lamp. Modi also interacted with millions of young students and teachers across the nation on this auspicious occasion and twisted his Teachers' Day lecture to millions of students across the country into a warm converse, as he ground questions from his viewers and described story, he confessed that he is "a taskmaster who makes others work but works harder himself."
Many of his answers forced hilarity as he shared story of his childhood mischief and hand out tips. "Work hard, play hard and sweat a lot at least four times a day," said the PM to children.
He put students to study biographies and stressedon the importance of technology, also cautioning, "These days all the work is done by Google guru (the search engine). It provides information but not knowledge
The Prime Minister highlighted the need for a young nation like India to produce many more good teachers than it does. "Why can't we think of exporting good teachers? Why don't our students want to become teachers these days?" he asked, if India would be able to become the hub for the best quality teachers to be exported across the world.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "The importance of teacher cannot be acknowledged while we do not see the change in the new generation.
When one of thestudent asked PM, Narender Modi about his prank during childhood, he replied that he used to show tamarind to the clarinet players so that water comes in their mouth. He also mentioned another prank about stapling the cloth of the people. Before telling about his pranks he has taken promise from the children that they will not do the prank mentioned by him to other peoples.

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