Rang Panchami 2015

11 December, 2015
Rang Panchami 2015 Rang Panchami 2015

Rang Panchami is observed on the fifth day after the Holi. It occurs during thewaning or decreasing phase of moon during the month ofFebruary March. This year Rang Panchami shall fall on 11th March 2015.Well the same period is known as Chaitra Paksha in northern India The festival is celebrated mainly in the Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh parts of India. The festival plays an important role in rural areas of India and in agricultural community.Being a rural festival, the day plays an auspicious role in the farmer community. The festival is celebrated in the temples of Vrindavan and Mathura too. The holi is celebrated on its peak and comes to an end on this day. Team Askganesha wishes you all a very happyRang Panchami. May god bless you!

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