Few Signs someone has Deep and Strong Feelings for You

Signs someone has Deep Feelings for You Signs someone has Deep Feelings for You

Have you wondered why amongst a bunch of your friends, he/she is always by your side no matter what? Also, does he/she blush all the time evenwhen you are annoyed at him/her? Do you feel that this friend of yours is unconditionally with you always? These feelings are not just friendship and look a little more, isn’t it? Are you still not sure? Here we bring you some of the symptoms of revealing that the other person is romantically inclined towards you and of course solution to your confusion. Take a look at few Signs someone has Deep Feelings for You.

Indicators of Deep Emotional Connection and Deep Feelings

Person has Strong Feelings for you

• The person knows you more than even yourself- This seems a little cinematic, but the truth is that yes such kinds of people do exist in this world even today. Such a state is only possible when someone gives you excessive attention and observes your every minute action and reaction. If he/she understands your feelings, your trauma, bliss, etc well, mark our words that he or she has special feelings for you which are beyond friendship.

• You are part of his/her plans- Separation is inevitable after office, college school, etc. If you are part of their plans for their future, you are certainly with the individual having emotional and romantic feelings for you. The imagination of being together for a lifetime or years denotes a sense of assurance of the intentions of the other person to have a long-lasting bond with you. Get love predictions for yourself at Ask Ganesha, the top astrological site storing solutions to every query.

• They don’t forget anything about you- This isn’t new that we often forget important dates and events of life as a human is to error. If anyone remembers everything about you and doesn’t forget to remind you. Also, if he knows your preferences and dislikes with precision then there is something fishy. Guys! This individual isn’t just a friend. He or she rather has feelings more than that of a friend.

• Unconditional Support- Usually, The give and take is the foundation of all relationships. Relationships get ruined in the absence of give and take. But, when a person is with you even when you aren’t giving him anything in return for any kind of assistance, the other person is emotionally bonded with you and has affection for you. Learn about true love by going through the undying love story of Radha and Krishna.

Eyes always gaze at you

• Eyes always gaze at you- Is he or she shy in having eye contact with you or you has caught him staring at you? If you feel that the eyes of another person, whether male or female are on you always and speak volumes, here is a notification to you about the deep feelings of that person for you.

• Store the collection of your stuff- If you find your lost or misplaced pieces of stuff are kept and cared well by the other person, the latter one has deep feelings for you. This is an indication of his care and love for you.

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• They are never short of time for you- In the present age, what people do not have is time for each other. But when you find someone staying available for you always and never says I am busy or has no time for you, and then it is a clear signal for you to understand their deep emotions for you. A person would never say no to you when he is deeply connected with you.

• They never cross boundaries– Physical and emotional boundaries aren’t crossed ever by an individual to avoid discomfort to you. Such a person would be more caring for you, your emotional health, and your physical well-being. If there is a person who is always in haste to cross boundaries, remember, that relation is short-lived and the person doesn’t have a deep connect with you.

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