Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse)

10 March, 2015
Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse) Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse)


Solar eclipse occurs when Moon passes between Sun and Earth, and blocks the sunlight.

EclipsesOccurringin 2015

2015 shall face 2 solar eclipses

Date Type Of Eclipse in 2015 Time(IST)
20/032015 Total Solar Eclipse 11:10 - 01:15


What Mantras Should One Recite During Eclipse?

One should recite following Mantra Om Adityay Vidmahe Divakaraye Dheemahi Tanno Suryah Prachodayat || During lunar eclipse, one should recite following mantra: Om Kshirputrayay Vidmahe Amrit Tatvaaye Dheemahi Tanno Chadrah Prachodayat ||   We in Hindu mythology believe that solar eclipses bring bad luck and negativity. However we believe that one creates his faith. It has nothing to do with natural phenomenon.

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