5 Tarot Cards to Bring Back your Lost Love

5 Tarot Cards to Bring Back your Lost Love 5 Tarot Cards to Bring Back your Lost Love

Yearning for the warmth of a long-lost love is a feeling that resounds with many people after a heartbreak. The enticing world of Tarot not only promises comfort but also provides a roadmap to evoke the ever-fading flames of love. Let us dig deep into the mystical world of Tarot cards as we look at the top 5 Tarot Cards to Bring Back your Lost Love.

The Lovers

The Lovers

It represents love, a strong bond, and a deep connection between souls. When the Lovers card is drawn it can showcase powers of union and harmony within relationships. When there is a situation of lost love, the drawing of this card tells us about the chances of getting back the old spark, love, and passion that initially made you fall in love with them. The Lovers card will also make you remember the love that you once shared with your better half once upon a time.

When the card occurs, it reminds us to analyze our true feelings for our past love that were the basic foundations of the relationship. You should then strive for it, and bring back your lost love if it ends up meaning something to you. In other words, this love will help you get rid of your ego and start over again with passionate love instead. You can also do Pujas for love to bring back romance into your life.

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

The card Ace of Cups tells us something about the start of a new chapter, a fresh feeling, and a new start. This card will push you forward toward unconditional love and open several doors for you to encounter new people. In cases that involve a lost love, it helps to remind us of forgiveness; forgiving others and ourselves. Ace of Cups card encourages us and guides us towards the path of open communication and embracing our long-lost love, which allows us to reconnect with them.

Ace of Cups is also a card that can show us the path towards letting go of past heartbreak and will help us rejuvenate our old bonds of relationships with love, passion, and understanding. Therefore, the Ace of Cups basically symbolizes the path of regeneration within the relationship.

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

The Two of Cups card symbolizes the union between two individuals. It also represents mutual respect and admiration between the bond. But in the case of lost love, the Two of Cups card will seek to mend all your problems and will help to rebuild emotional connections. The card will also drive you towards bringing back the strong emotional bond that you had connected with in the first place. When the card is drawn, it urges you to harmonize with them by returning to the road of trust, open communication, and passionate love.

By bridging the gap in your relationship, it makes room for healthy communication in your relationship. This card when prompted will help bring back the old connection, unconditional love, and old sparks between two people. It also suggests that by making amends you can regain your once lost love.

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

The Six of Cups tells us about revitalizing your sweet and innocent childhood. It helps to bring to light our memory of a person or individual. When in relation to lost love, it indicates the moment when the love between two people is at its peak. Six of Cups is also a card of nostalgia that will pull you back towards the happiest moment of your past love. This will help you to heal old wounds and lead you straight to the path towards bonding with your former love.

When the card is drawn, it indicates that your past love will be nourished once again by looking back together to the happy moments you shared together as a couple. Your lost love will be revived by the strong and happy memories that you possess. This will also help you to rebuild the warmth of comfort of the relationship that you once had.

Also Read- Casting Powerful spells with Tarot Cards

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups can be like the ultimate emotional jackpot in the Tarot deck. It is all about happiness, fulfillment, and all those warm and fuzzy feelings. When the Ten of Cups pops up during a reading then get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions. It is a green light given to you to approach your lost partner and be ready for a deep emotional connection and lasting happiness.

This card will help to show you the good side of your past love. The Ten of Cups will open ways so that you can fix your lost relationship and bring back your lost love in your lives again. Other than having a reunion with your loved one, this card also signifies the eternal happiness in one’s relationship. Ultimately, it preaches to us about the power that forgiveness has and guides us toward seeking the magic of love once again.


When matters of the heart are involved, it is never an easy task to just simply move on when you know there is still a chance to reconnect with your loved ones. Therefore, seeking the guidance of Tarot cards in such a situation can help bring clarity. It can also help you to reflect upon your true emotions so that you can reconnect with your partner. Hence, Tarot cards will help you to understand your true feelings and set you on the right path to reignite your lost love.

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