The 7 Magic Rules that can help to make someone yours forever

03 August, 2022
The 7 Magic Rules that can help to make someone yours forever The 7 Magic Rules that can help to make someone yours forever

Accomplish the long desire to make someone yours

To make someone yours is a beautiful desire that can permeate in the hormones as early as the school days and believe me, for some it may not get fulfilled even until you are ready to plunge into the next birth. 

Recently I happen to read in a teenage magazine about Love spells and magics. This will surely sound bizarre and eccentric but not for someone who is looking for a solution to attract the desired person. The article was about the love spells that can be used to make someone fall in love with you. And in one of the tricks, it asked to carve your name and astrological signs on one side of the pink candle and on the other side of the same candle carve the name and astrological sign of the person you desire. And then light the candle after adding all kinds of aromas to it. The article had many such magic spells and I jolted myself to pull out of it before I start believing and fantasising about it. 

Interestingly, the Magazine write-up insisted that all magic spells must be carried out on Friday since Friday is Venus day, the Goddess of Love. 

This intrigued my search to find the magic rules to make someone yours and also the contemporary rules that can strengthen any love relationship, marital life, friendship or even family life.

I found out that ‘Atharveda’ has laid out not only the Knowledge of everyday life (Atharvanas) it also contains hymns many of which are charms, magic spells for gaining a husband or a wife, or love of a man or woman, or preventing any rivals from winning over one's "love interest". And also for the long life of a loved one or their recovery from some illness.

Hence, it has always been a bright-eyed innate wish of anyone to charm the desired person or make someone yours eternally.

Below I have brought some of the contemporary rules that may help to have a strong bonding with your partner, loved one or family relations.

7 magic rules to make someone yours

The 7 Magic Rules that can help to make someone yours forever

  1. Honesty is the key to any kind of relationship: It's important right from the beginning to project your true self as being real determines your actual compatibility with the person in future. Similarly, you should not hide behind the bushes or play around with things which should be discussed in advance in a relationship.
  2. Relationships are not meant to be a blame game: Do not blame your partners when you are unhappy about something. Instead, work on yourself and try looking at things from a different perspective. Develop a more optimistic and forgiving outlook. As putting blames can only worsen the relationship.
  3. Don't disrespect your partner or companion while raising disagreement: Conflicts are healthy as it's just an expression of informing about the areas of disconnect. Provided you do not lose a respectful tone while expressing disagreements with your loved one. Always exhume positivity and don't focus on the bad things, as nothing is perfect ‘not even you.
  4. Listening is the most powerful rule for any kind of relationship: When you lend ear you are telling how important that person is to you. And when you let someone express without interrupting the trust builds and the connection becomes stronger.
  5. Express your confidence in them: Always let your close ones know that you believe in them and they have the ability to excel. Help them understand their strengths and cooperate with them to reach their professional goals and personal dreams. This way you make them feel you care about them and value the relationship.
  6. One common domain of interest: If you can connect over the same activity it will add spark to the relationship. Find atleast any one common activity that you both can indulge in together to strengthen the connection and bond over the activity.
  7. Groom, yourself first to attract somebody: Until or unless you won't embrace yourself how will you ever get the confidence to attract the person you desire? So start loving yourself first and adapt to the changing times. Physically, emotionally and mentally always keep yourself positively charged up, as only then you will be able to attract the positive vibrations, from the one you want in your life forever. 

I read somewhere that “We are often drawn to those who are like-minded. If you want amazing people in your life, be an amazing person!”  

true love

In addition, the position of stars and planets also influences the strength of the relationship. 

  1. The aspect between the Moon and Venus or Mars is a strong indicator of whether the two people complement each other emotionally and physically.
  2. Sometimes if there are too many conjunctions between two birth charts it may create a rift as it can bring boredom to the relationship.
  3. The correlation between two partners’ houses and planets in the natal charts helps us understand their relationship. The 5th, 3rd, 7th, 11th and 12th houses of your partner’s chart or vice versa indicate the depth of love, desire and an intimate relationship.
  4. The Moon is the most important factor in love as it is the ruling planet of emotions. It controls your mind and your emotions.
  5. On the other hand, Venus reflects the qualities which make someone attractive and desirable so it helps determines the type of partner a person is attracted to. A good Venus can help you professionally as well. It is your choice when you want to take support from Venus.
  6. While Mars represents the physical drive, it is an extremely influential planet to understand the sensual compatibility between the two individuals.

Thus, as per astronomical analysis, when the two people meet each other in the beginning they are attracted to each other based on the connection between their Sun sign and Ascendants (rising planet in the natal chart). Since Sun decides the core personality while Ascendant reflects the outer behaviour. Both factors, the core personality and outer behaviour always bring two people closer to each other.

However, after the initial attraction, it is the position of the Moon, Venus and Mars which is going to determine the strength of the relationship. 

So basically, the Sun and Ascendant build initial attraction between two people while the interaction of the Moon, Venus and Mars decides the sustainability.

To further enhance your knowledge about love and relationships I would recommend reading Askganesha's blog

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