Things to Remember while Proposing Your Best Friend

Simple Tips to Propose your Best Friend Simple Tips to Propose your Best Friend

Do you feel something has changed in you? Are you getting more concerned and affectionate towards your best friend than before? Congratulations! You are in love.

It is quite common to develop special feelings for someone who has been your friend for years. Usually, a dilemma overpowers the individual’s mind as to propose or not to due to the fear of losing a good friend. If you want to go ahead with proposing to your friend despite of combat between your heart and brain, then this blog is a must for you. To have a continued healthy friendship with your friend irrespective of the response you get post proposal, check out a few Things to remember while Proposing to Your Best Friend.

Best Ways to Propose to Your Best Friend

Best Ways to Propose to Your Best Friend

• Ask yourself– Before you go ahead to propose your best friend for a new romantic relationship, you must evaluate your emotions first. Confirm with yourself, if it is not an infatuation or if it is real love. Love is a pure emotion in which you don’t expect anything in return and the limit of sacrifice is boundless. You want him/her to prosper and want to keep people associated with him also happy. When you are ready to change for your crush, this is love. Be honest with yourself, and if you get a positive answer, avoid delay in proposing.

• Be prepared for any outcome– The feeling could be mutual or one-sided. Your dear friend may have the same feeling for you or he/she may say no to your proposal. Stay ready for either a heart-wrenching situation or an amusing one where your friend responds with yes. Make sure if you get a negative answer, you don’t get shattered much and do not humiliate your friend for rejecting your proposal.

What to Say When Proposing to Your Best Friend

What to Say When Proposing to Your Best Friend

• Look for the right time- When it is about proposing to your best friend, look for the right timing. Choose the right time for a meeting when he/she is not in a rush or when is expected in a good mood. A beautiful evening in isolation would be a good idea to express your feelings.

• Draft your proposal speech- Don’t hesitate and open up with honest conversation. Communicate your feelings directly in impressive words. Make sure your mode of proposing doesn’t look like you are kidding. Be clear and precise in disclosing your feelings.

• Be patient and give time to process- Do not be impatient in getting revert from your best friend. Give time to him/her to think as at times immediate response is not given by your best friend. Don’t be in haste and anticipate nothing.

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• Respect feeling- Irrespective of the response you get, don’t get angry and get negative towards your best friend. Maintain the joviality between you two and give space to the other person.

• End the matter on lighter mode- Make it clear that even if you get a disheartening revert from your best friend, your friendship will continue. Promise to remain best friend forever without troubling your friend with the new development of sentiments.

Ensuring a Successful Proposal to Your Best Friend

In a nutshell, don’t let your friendship get pounded due to the negative decision of your partner. Friendship is a beautiful relationship that should be the base of even a married or unmarried couple because a friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. Know the mantra for love to attract love.

Taking guidance from an astrologer can prevent your heart from getting shattered. Consult the best astrologers at Askganesha and know in advance the success of your relationship with romance report along with marriage possibilities. You can also know your love life in 2024 and make move accordingly.

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