Vastu Remedies to Keep Disease out of Your House

Vastu Remedies to Keep Disease out of Your House Vastu Remedies to Keep Disease out of Your House

It is often seen in many houses that at least one member of the family remains sick and expenditure on medicines continues. Apart from carelessness towards health and inclination towards Western lifestyle, astrological malefic planetary configuration and Vastu shastra faults can be the reasons that could be turning your sweet home into a hub of diseases. Few deadly constructions in home can destroy the overall happiness, health and harmony of the house and should be strictly avoided. If you want everyone at your home to be hale and hearty, take a look at the Vastu remedies to keep diseases out of your house and follow them.

Vastu Remedies for Health Problems

Vastu Remedies for Health Problems in home

• Check the direction of the pillow under your head while sleeping- Vastu Shastra strictly instructs people not to have legs in the South Direction while sleeping. South is the direction of Yama (the messenger of death). One is bound to fall sick while having feet towards the south, instead, have your head in the South and legs towards the North.

• Brahmasthan (Center of the House)- Watch out middle of the house which is also called Brahmasthan. If possible, leave the center unoccupied or have light furniture on it. Sometimes, irregular flow or absence of positive energy inside the home is the cause of people getting infected by diseases.

• Avoid mirrors in the bedroom- Make sure your bedroom doesn’t have mirrors, especially in front of your bed. The mirror facing the bed, trenches out the energy of the person sleeping and makes him sick due to lack of energy. It is important that you follow mirror Vastu for house to ensure all round well-being.

• Direction you should drink water- Ayurveda maintains that one shouldn’t drink water in a standing posture since it weakens the knees. Vastu Shastra recommends facing toward the North or East direction while taking sips of water to be fit as fiddle.

• Clean and beautiful Entrance- It is often seen that shoes and sleepers are kept outside the main entrance. Junk is also kept near the main entrance. It is a bad practice and probably is an invitation to diseases and stress. Keep the entrance beautiful and free from clutter to keep the disease at a distance from your home. Mobbing the main gate with water containing rock salt keeps diseases and other negativity away from home. Keeping citrus-bearing plants at the main entrance would help to nullify negative factors to which family members fall prey.

• Worship Lord Hanuman to restrict the diseases- Install the idol of Lord Hanuman facing south. Place the idol or picture of Hanuman in a clean place in the house, his face should be towards south and you can chant Hanuman Chalisa or even do Hanuman Puja, this helps in getting rid of negative effects and maintains good health.

Vastu tips for healthy home

• Water birds and animals- The first rule is to not engage in the wastage of water. Water dripping from taps adversely affects wealth. Wastage of water also invites diseases in the home. Giving water to birds, cattle and thirsty people can help the folks keep up their good health.

• See healthy to become healthy- It is being said that what you think and see has an impact on your health. The more green and fresh you keep around you, the home will augment great health of yours. Not just fruits are healthy for us, but seeing them is also healthy. Keep them on your dining table in a fruit basket or install their picture on the wall to get the feel of being in the pink.

• Check the direction of the kitchen and Bathroom- As per Vastu Shastra, the kitchen and Bathroom shouldn’t be in the NNE direction of the house. Also, make sure the septic tank, storeroom and stars aren’t in the NNE direction. NNE direction is assumed to be a zone strengthening the immunity of people dwelling in it. Bathroom and kitchen should not be located next to each other as the mixing of their energies is not good for the health of people living in it.

• Lit diya or candle in North West or Southeast direction- To restrain the entry of diseases into your house, lit a candle or diya in the Southeast or northwest direction. It balances the negativity impacting the health of residents adversely.

• Gloomy paintings- It is often seen that people mount pictures of sad women in the name of modern art in their living or dining room. The scenery of a drowning ship is commonly seen in the houses of people. All such kinds of mounted sceneries and pictures are red flags in the house and spread negativity and ruin the health conditions of dwellers gradually.

• Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra- All kinds of Doshas can be instantly made inactive in your house with the Energized Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra and helps in bringing of positivity in the house resulting in health, wealth and peace.

Ensuring a Healthy Home with Vastu

Following these Vastu Shastra remedies can Improve the energy flow in your home, helping to keep diseases away and ensuring the overall well-being of your family. When the energy in your home is balanced and positive, it directly impacts your health, happiness and harmony. It is important to remember that every home is unique and sometimes, a more personalized approach is needed to address specific issues. Consulting experienced Vastu Shastra specialist and Expert Astrologers can help you find solutions that not only eliminate the root causes of health problems but also enhance the peace and prosperity of your home. By making these simple but effective changes, you can turn your home into a place of good health and positive energy.

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