Wear 3 Faced Rudraksha with This Method and Get Wealth and Health Benefits

03 April, 2023
Wear 3 Faced Rudraksha with This Method and Get Wealth and Health Benefits Wear 3 Faced Rudraksha with This Method and Get Wealth and Health Benefits

Hindus believe that rudraksha, the dried seeds of the Elaeocarpus ganitrus trees that grow in the foothills of the Himalayas, are made from the tears of none other than Lord Shiva and hold them very sacred. There is no such story in Buddhism but wearing rudraksha beads has made them very special to Buddhists too. Nepali traders largely sell the seeds to Hindus all over India.

A 3 faced rudraksha bead is called a teen mukhi rudraksha in Sanskrit. It is believed to represent Agni, the god of fire. The three faces or mukhis are believed to symbolize three aspects of Lord Shiva – the great creator, the total preserver, and the ultimate destroyer. It is believed to instill energy, confidence, and courage to the wearer and is believe to be helpful in enhancing various skills like communications, leadership and creativity. It also brings good luck, total prosperity, and total success in life.

In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is associated with the number three. He is often depicted with three eyes, three matted locks of hair, and a trident with three sharp prongs. The three-faced rudraksha is believed to represent the three aspects of Lord Shiva that are creation (Brahma), preservation (Vishnu), and destruction (Mahesh). These 3 aspects seem to be the fundamental forces that govern the total universe.

Wearing a 3 faced rudraksha is believed to balance the 3 gunas or qualities of nature. Thee are sattva (purity), rajas (activity), and tamas (inertia). It is also believed that the rudraksha activates the Manipura Chakra, associated with personal power, self-confidence, and self-esteem. In this way it can help the wearer to overcome obstacles, achieve success in their endeavors, and live a complete life.

The rudraksha is said to be particularly beneficial for those associated with communication, such as writers, public speakers, and salesmen. It is believed to enhance the eloquence, persuasiveness, and charisma of the said persons. It has a calming effect on the mind to reduce stress and anxiety thus promoting mental clarity and focus.

Has 3 Faced Rudrakha any Benefit?

It is believed so. The three-faced rudraksha is believed to have several benefits for the wearer, both physical and spiritual. We here can elaborate some of the benefits associated with wearing a 3 faced rudraksha.

It enhances communication skills, making the wearer more articulate, persuasive, and charismatic. It can be particularly beneficial for people involved in professions such as writing, public speaking, and sales.

The 3 faced rudraksha boosts confidence and courage, Wearing of a 3 faced rudraksha is believed to provide energy, confidence, and courage to the wearer. It enables him/her to face challenges and overcome obstacles in life.

It balances the 3 Gunas too. The three-faced rudraksha is said to balance the 3 gunas or qualities of nature - sattva, rajas, and tamas. As a result it can help promoting overall well-being and spiritual growth.

The rudraksha activates the Manipura Chakra too. It is believed to activate the Manipura Chakra associated with personal power, self-confidence, and self-esteem. It helps the wearer to achieve their goals and live a fulfilling life.

The rudraksha promotes mental clarity and focus.Wearing a three-faced rudraksha has a calming effect on the mind, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting mental clarity and focus.

This rudraksha brings good luck and prosperit. The three-faced rudraksha is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and total success in life.

The three-faced rudraksha is considered to be a powerful tool for spiritual and personal growth and is believed to offer multiple benefits to the wearer.

How to use 3 Faced Rudraksha?

There are several ways to use a three-faced rudraksha bead, depending on personal preference and the specific purpose one has in one’s mind. Here are some common ways to use a three-faced rudraksha.

How to wear it?

It is always suitable to energize the original 3 faced rudraksha before wearing it. Planet Mars rules the rudraksha and it is good to wear the divine bead is on Sunday.

In order to enhance the energy of the rudraksha bead one should get up early in the morning on a Sunday, clean the area where he is going to sit and do pooja or Jaap. It is good to be bathed and wear clean clothes. One should sit facing the East direction. With a focused mind oe should chant the Mantra ‘Om Kleem Namah" 108 times. Now it is best to apply sandalwood paste kumkum and go for wearing the three faced rudraksha.

Three Faced Rudraksha Properties:

It has three distinct lines.

It is available in Indonesia and Nepal origin.

It is available in light brown and dark brown colours.

The rudraksha offers immense healing and benefits once it comes in contact with the skin of the specific wearer.

Importance of 3 Faced Rudraksha: -

It is a divine object of devotion.

It has a soothing effect on one’s mind and body.

It can release stress due to past sins and helps to achieve success.

It liberates one from obstacles which he/she is facing owing to his/her past karmas.

It signifies the energy of Lord Shiva and gives freedom from the life cycle.

Wearing this the wearer gets spiritual benefits.

Do’s and Don’ts while opting for 3 Faced Rudraksha

After buying 3 faced rudraksha bead one should wash it with clean fresh water and dip it in the cow’s milk for one day before wearing. If you are the person to wear this bead what you should daily:

Worship it daily

Have trust on it.

Never flaunt it to anyone.

Never wear broken bead.

Never give your bead to anyone.

Never use chemical soap .

Never take non-veg food after wearing it.

Never drink alcohol wearing it.

Remove it before you go to funeral service.

Wear it in a necklace: The most common ways to use a rudraksha bead is to wear as a necklace. You can thread the bead in a string or chain and wear it close to your skin. This helps the bead's energy and vibrations to resonate with your body and mind.

Wear it as a Bracelet: You may wear a three-faced rudraksha bead as a bracelet too. This is believed to boost physical and mental well-being and can be helpful once you suffer from joint pain or severe arthritis.

Place it on a platform or an altar: You can also place a three-faced rudraksha bead on a platform or on an altar or in a sacred space at your home. This can help create a positive and peaceful environment and can be particularly helpful once you practice meditation or yoga.

Use it while meditation: You can grip the rudraksha bead in your palm while meditating. This helps to calm mind, improve focus and concentration, and deepen spiritual practice.

Use it while japa: Japa is a form of meditation involving repetition of a mantra while counting on a set of prayer beads. You may use the very rudraksha bead as a japa mala and repeat a mantra while counting the beads. This can enhance the power of the mantra and promote spiritual growth.

Who can use 3 Faced Rudraksha?

Actually anyone can use a three-faced rudraksha bead, regardless of their gender, age, or religious background. It is important that the use of rudraksha beads is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology and spiritual practices. Therefore, people who find interest in exploring Hindu spirituality and practices may use a three-faced rudraksha bead and benefit from its energy and vibrations.

There go some specific groups of people who find the use of this rudraksha too much beneficial:

People who are on a spiritual path and seek to deepen their spiritual practice find the use of this rudraksha beneficial. The bead promotes spiritual growth, balance, and harmony.

People who are associated with writing, public speaking, and sales may find the use of this rudraksha beneficial. The bead can enhance communication skills, makes the wearer more articulate, persuasive, and absolutely charismatic.

People who struggle to achieve self-confidence, self-esteem, or courage may find this specific rudraksha beneficial. The bead can provide energy, confidence, and courage, enabling the wearer to face challenges and overcome all types of obstacles in life.

People who opt for physical and mental well-being may find the use of a three-faced rudraksha beneficial. The bead has a calming effect on the mind. It can reduce stress and anxiety, and promotes mental clarity and focus. It can balance the three gunas or qualities of nature, promoting overall well-being.

General Benefits of 3 Faced Rudraksha

The wearer gains the power of vision 

It Increases memory power and skin glow. The wearer can be wit and intelligent.

It makes the wearer fearless, courageous and powerful.

It helps in removing the negative effects of Mars.

It helps children who are prone to accidents and sickness. A single 3 faced rudraksha in a red silk thread is absolutely beneficial for them.

Spiritual Benefits:

The wearer of this rudraksha can be unchained from sins, karmic debts, and past life memories. It is ideal for those who wish to be free from inferiority complexes, panic, guilt, acute depression, fear, anxiety, and total weakness. The wearer of the three faced rudraksha lives life in a liberated and optimistic pattern.


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