What Are The Remedies To Get Rid Of Black Magic As Per Astrology?

06 June, 2023
What Are The Remedies To Get Rid Of Black Magic As Per Astrology? What Are The Remedies To Get Rid Of Black Magic As Per Astrology?

Black magic, also known as black art, is the use of some kind of supernatural powers or rituals to harm others. It is always associated with negative intentions and the invocation of maleficent forces. Black magic is believed to harness all kinds of dark energies and employ them to influence or control people, events, or circumstances in a very harmful manner.

Practices of black magic can vary across different cultures and belief systems, but they involve in a very general manner the spells, incantations, rituals, and the manipulation of some specific objects or substances. These practices are performed by individuals who have knowledge of occult traditions, and they may draw upon elements of astrology, witchcraft or various other esoteric practices.

The effects of black magic are by no means detrimental and manifests in various ways, such as physical ailments, emotional turmoil, financial hardships, relationship problems, or simply general misfortune. It is often perceived as a form of attack, where the intentions of the practitioner are directed towards causing harm, suffering, or disruption in the life of the individual targeted.

It's important to take into account that beliefs in black magic vary across cultures and communities. Views on its existence and effectiveness can differ to a great extent. Some people firmly believe in the reality and effectiveness of black magic, others may consider it nothing but superstitious or mere gimmick.

In astrology too here is the reference of black magic. It is believed that certain remedies can help to remove the effects of black magic. Here are some commonly suggested remedies that we are going to put here:

 Seek guidance from a knowledgeable astrologer who has specialization in black magic removal. He can analyze your horoscope and provide personalized remedies based on your present situation.

Reciting specific mantras and prayers can help to counter the negative effects of black magic. For example, we can easily put forward chanting of the very powerful Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or the Hanuman Chalisa. They are highly potential to offer proper protection.

Yantras are regarded very powerful, they are nothing but sacred geometric diagrams and on the other hand talismans are objects believed to have enough protective powers. Wearing or placing yantras and talismans related to your specific astrological chart or deities can help remove negative energies. Performing rituals: Astrological rituals like havans that are fire ceremonies or Pujas can help cleanse the environment and ward off all kinds of negative influences. These rituals are often performed by experienced priests, pundits or astrologers.

Wearing specific gemstones associated with your astrological chart can help a lot to counteract the effects of black magic. Gemstones like ruby, emerald, and blue sapphire are believed to have enough protective properties.

Regularly having been engaged in spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, and prayer can help purify the mind, body, and soul making you less susceptible to negative energies.

Taking a saltwater bath is believed to cleanse your aura and remove all types of negative energies. Add rock salt or sea salt to your bathwater and soak for some time. Let it rinse it off. After some time bathe in that water. It is thought to be highly effective to alleviate all sorts of negative effects of black magic.

Wearing protective amulets or charms, such as black thread, holy ash, or holy rudraksha beads, is believed to guard against all sorts of evil energies.

It's important to note that all these remedies are based on astrological beliefs. If you have deep faith in astrology, you may opt for them. It is the belief that pays all the way. If you suspect black magic or if you are experiencing serious difficulties, it's advised to seek professional help from a reputed astrologer or spiritual healer who can guide you appropriately and give you proper relief..

Can Astrology Remove Black Magic?

Astrology is a great belief system. It suggests that certain astrological remedies are there those can help alleviate the effects of black magic. However, it's important to note that the absolute effectiveness of these remedies and their ability to remove black magic is a matter of faith and belief to a great extent

Astrologers who have specialized in black magic removal may analyze your horoscope or birth chart to hint at any malefic influences or planetary alignments that may be contributing to the negative effects. Based on their analysis, gemstones, wearing of protective talismans and other astrological practices are given effect. These remedies are regarded to be packed with powers to harness positive energies and fight with the negative influences associated with black magic.

But it cannot but be mentioned that it’s important to approach astrological remedies with a free open mind and understand that all effectiveness may vary from person to person. It's advised to consult with a reputable and experienced astrologer who has specialized in black magic removal, as he can provide guidance and personalized remedies based on a specific situation.

It's also worth mentioning that seeking professional help from other sources like spiritual healers or experts in energy clearing may be beneficial if you suspect the presence of black magic used against you. Ultimately, the decision to use astrology or any other holy or spiritual method to address the issue of black magic is absolutely a personal one, based on individual beliefs and absolute preferences.

The practice of black magic has been going on for centuries. More often it has been used for no good cause rather there has been talking of misuse. Usually, black magic is used to win over the enemy. Along with this, the support of black magic has also been taken to control someone under someone with showing fear casting bad influences on him. But it is true that black magic or has been used on someone can be known from some signs. These bad signs have been explained in details in Vedic astrology.

Symptoms of Black Magic

Any person, on whom black magic has been inflicted, is not in control of himself or any other person. This person starts behaving strangely. The moment a person suddenly starts getting sick without any obvious reason and then you can easily assume that black magic has an immediate effect on that person.

If it is noted that the basil plant planted at home corner suddenly starts drying up or if a dead bird falls in the courtyard of the house all on a sudden, then you may come to the conclusion that there is ominous effect on you or any other person of your household. All these signs are considered inauspicious and it is also called the effect of black magic.

You may have noticed sudden changes in the person's nature and if he starts talking to himself at work, then you may be sure that black magic has affected the person.

If all on a sudden you are feeling idle and feel like not doing anything, always willing to laze without any significant physical problem, you can be sure that some has inflicted on you the black magic. You don't feel like doing a job or business and all your efforts fail, then this also indicates black magic.

Due to the effect of black magic, a person starts liking desolation. The color of his nails starts turning black without any physical cause. Often you may have terrible dreams at night and sit up on the bed extremely terrified. All these symptoms are also signs of black magic.

Black Magic Removal Measures 

Om Kaal Bhairavaya Namah

Regular chanting of the Kaal Bhairav mantra can give you a feeling of mental peace. This mantra can remove negativity and you can by no means be healthy, prosperous, and happy. Astrology can give you information about the in depth knowledge of the ideas to remove black magic.

Remedies to Remove Black Magic

It is ideal to chant Gayatri mantra 108 times. Thereafter you should perform Gayatri Homam with cow ghee. This may give you instant result.

Have a bath at sunset. Mix nine drops of pure honey in half a kilo of raw cow's milk in a clean pot. From the roof of the house to the bottom, in every room, living room, drawing room, everywhere sprinkle that milk reciting Hanuman Chalisa or Gayatri Mantra. Drop the remaining milk outside the main gate.

Tie the root of black Dhatura on the right arm on a Sunday morning. This can give instant relief from the black magic.

Mix asafetida in garlic juice, put it in the eye, or smell it, the person suffering from the effects of black magic gets relief immediately.

Plant a white cave plant near the main door of the house. It can always protect from spirits and black magic.

Last But Not The Least

If someone inflicts black magic on you or your near one, then definitely go on for these measures. Discuss the matter with an expert astrologer what he advises or tell you to do. By talking to astrologers, know what measures can be taken to get rid of black magic.

These persons may provide specific remedies and rituals to counter these influences and mitigate the impact of all sorts of black magic.

We have already mentioned that the remedies prescribed by astrologers, pundits can include the recitation of specific mantras, the doing of rituals, and the use of 


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