What Astrological Remedies Are There to Go for An Early Marriage?

26 May, 2023
What Astrological Remedies Are There to Go for An Early Marriage? What Astrological Remedies Are There to Go for An Early Marriage?

Who in this mundane world likes delay in marriage, especially in the budding moment when the urge to get married gets he better of him or her. But right at this moment marriage takes place in a later time as there come many factors such as establishment, getting a job, to get an ideal partner and so on. 

Delay in marriage is accepted right now. But when the parents come to the forefront with the issues of their wards, what should an astrologer do? Should he/she not come forward to add balm to the bruised hearts of the parents of the brides and he grooms who seem to be unsettled in the modern time having been smashed under the pressure of numerous social, educational or some other crucial factors. 

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Astrology can’t think so. In this subject there lie numerous causes of delayed marriages and the way to fix them too. Today in our blog we are throwing light on this particular sensitive issue what astrological remedies are there to go for an early marriage. The candidates may not agree to marry but it is the astrology that is ready to find fault with them opening the wide horizon of a galaxy of remedies to fix an early marriage. 

We are here trying to throw light on such astrological remedies that quicken the marriage at early hours of youth. We hope it will help the parents as well as the willing partners to find the right path.  

Marriage, for all is nothing but a dream that is nurtured in the core of the heart since the adolescence begins to peep. Obviously there are some who are so vehemently against marriage, that it is hard to lead them light. Probably they are living in their own Paradise. They are exceptional people but keeping aside these ones the maximum number of people especially youths dream to enter into the realm of wedding. 

These people have the dreams of entering into a conjugal life but sometimes it is destiny that tries to fix a barricade on their way. This marriage –willing people are ready to exchange the nuptial garland but it is sheer destiny that blocks their ways. Why so? Will these people willing to marry, remain eluded? Will their dream life remain elusive all the way? No it can’t be so. 

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According to astrology if there is problem there is solution so to say. Delay in marriage isn’t anyone’s fault. Astrologers are of opinion that, there are some combinations in Kundli that cause a delay in marriage. However, it is also referred that the bad effects of these astrological combinations can easily be dodged opting for some simple remedies for the very specific delayed marriage. As we are discussing on astrological issues we shall put forward some measures to avert all kinds of delays with the aid of remedies.

Astrological Remedies for Delayed Marriage

Donate anything as per your own capacity while a girl’s wedding is fixed. Planet Saturn is responsible for judgment, through awarding and punishing you based on your specific karma. So if you have to face a delay in marriage due to Saturn problems donate whatever you can to help a poor girl get wedded happily. In Hinduism, helping a young girl to get married is considered as one of the holiest things.   

Astrologers suggest whenever you offer your deity food, keep watch, it never goes wasted. Donating the same food to a unfed person is one of the best remedies for delay in marriage. Even when you take food at home, never try to waste food as it is regarded as one of the worst sins.  

Add haldi or turmeric in your diet. It is another astrological remedy for delayed marriage. Astrologers are of opinion that one wanting to get married should take haldi milk, chana dal etc. Adding slight turmeric to the bathing water is also highly recommended. Apply a saffron tilak mixed with haldi after a shower. 

Worshiping of Durga Maa is fruitful too. If a girl’s marriage is getting delayed owing to malefic Rahu in Kundli, you have no other way than to worship Maa Durga. This will help in arranging a quick marriage. 

Another great remedy to overcome delay in a girl’s marriage is to keep fast for16 consecutive Mondays. You must bathe the Shivlinga with holy water. 

Chanting of the Gauri Shanker Mantra is of great importance too. The girls standing at the thresholds of marriage can go on reciting the Gauri Shanker Mantra. This mantra will help the girl find her groom at an early date. 

Feeding green vegetables to cows is another remedy worth mentioning to resolve the delay in marriage. The cow should be given all sorts of green vegetables or just grass. 

Astrologers are of opinion   that both the boy and girl of the marriage age should not skip bathing. After bathing they should use some kind of fragrance. 

There goes one easy remedy we are going to mention hereby. One who is finding it tough to get married can follow this remedy. All you have to do is to buy a lock and place it with keys under the pillow. Next morning, let this lock and keys get intersected. Keeping the keys apart, all you have to do is to start to move ahead. Be sure not to look back. 

For early marriage, it is better to go on reading the verses associated with Shiva and Paravati marriage. You can find the verses in the Ramcharitmanas. This must be read every day to enjoy sweet benefits. 

If your marriage- negotiations are disrupted at the last phase of discussion, make sure you must keep off the shoes or slippers before you enter the cherished home. 

If a boy is facing delays in marriage, astrologers suggest donating yellow clothes on Thursday and white clothes on Monday for 4 consecutive weeks in a row. It would be fine if the donated clothes are brand new.

Both the boy and girl should wear new clothes during the marriage negotiation discussions in case their marriage is getting by all means delayed. 

If you are a girl and are by chance visiting the boy’s home for marriage related negotiations, though it is very uncommon in our society, the astrological remedy here for the girl is that she should be keeping her hair open throughout the discussion. 

If you have to go to the groom’s house for a nuptial discussion, make sure you enter the destined house with your right foot at the very first time.  

People belonging at the age of 31-35 years should go on planting a banyan tree outside their home to taste the essence of early marriage. If possible, it is better to try not to consume salt on Thursdays. Placing an idol of Lord Vishnu in front it is best to chant the mantra “Om brum brihaspataye namah” 3 times on a daily basis.

Those who are 25-30 years of age must wear yellow clothes on Thursday. They should worship Lord Shiva on Monday regularly. 

One of the vital remedies to resolve the delay in marriage is to perform Panchdeepa. The native have to light 5 earthen lamps with oil put in it under a neem tree. An idol of Lord Ganapati should be placed under the tree too. Now it is the duty of the candidate to go on praying to the lord. But it will not be an ideal task to discard the idol at any cost there. 

Another well discussed remedy in astrology goes thus. The candidate must collect108 Bael leaves. Thereafter he/she must write Joy Shree Rama on them with sandalwood paste as ink. Finally it is the best way to offer the leaves atop a Shivling chanting “Om Namah Shivaya” in a loud voice.

If there is a Navagraha temple nearby, one must visit the same to pray to the deities to make an early marriage and resolve all sorts of complications associated with the delay in marriage. Worshipping the 9 planets or Nava Grahas will help the candidate in getting married at an early date. 

If the candidate has any kind of gemstones, she/he has to make sure it is not causing any harm. It is the ideal task to seek an astrologer’s help to find out the root cause of the trouble. It is the advice of the astrologers that one should abide by- the candidate by all means should avoid a gem stone without prior consultation with an prolific astrologer. 

It is also not ideal to keep a mirror in the bedroom or have food in the drawing-room. It is not ideal too not to sit on the bed while eating food.

To Conclude 

We have tried our best to put before you some remedies once you opt to go for an early marriage or face numerous problems regarding it. You have to have faith on the remedies hinted by prolific astrologers. It is anticipated that once you go on abiding by all the solution methods or follow the remedies as per their suggestions, you are sure to be benefitted and enjoy an early marriage keeping aside all problems associated with it.

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