What Your Face says about You

12 November, 2024
What your face says about You What your face says about You

Astrological predictions are usually based on the study of the natal chart in which planetary configurations, dasha and zodiac signs are studied to predict either past, present state, or future. Do you know astrological face reading and body language? You can study an individual or introspect yourself, your future, interests, etc with the astrological face reading. Know what your face says about You with Face Reading astrology.

Usages of Face Readings

Face reading astrology has been used for ages for distinct purposes. It is highly used for finding marriage compatibility to check the degree of understanding, love and common interests between the couples. Likewise, it is highly beneficial in helping an individual in choosing the right career path as per the traits. With the aid of Vedic astrological analysis, knowing the probable health concerns is easy as our facial skin, marks and blemishes signify certain dysfunctions in the body.

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Face Reading As Per Vedic Astrology

Face Reading As Per Vedic Astrology

Face reading astrology signifies that every feature, structure and shape is influenced by planetary positions and their impacts. Features whether well shaped or not, share the story of one’s karma and life in the past also. Facial features are analyzed to conclude the luck, health and character of the individual. Let us explore facial features one by one and sum up the readings based on them.



The eyes are the major attraction of facial features. It is said that one’s eyes are a mirror of the personality of an individual. The shape, size and color of eyes are analyzed to understand a person’s emotional depth and divine leaning.

Folks with black eyes are secretive and like to keep everything confined to them only. They are mysterious and like to live with themselves more than any other person. They would never spill beans about themselves and friendship or any relation with such people would be full of dilemmas only.

Brown eyes people are grounded, creative, energetic and self-dependent. They have a spiritual side and don’t believe in the materialistic luxuries of life. They are strong and have the strength to combat alone against all odds of life. Blue-eyed people have some great intuitive or six-sense talent. Blessed with the power of telepathy, they can come to know about the past and the present. It can be said that they are born with the instinct to know in advance to a large extent. They are energetic and have little astonishing element always.

A company of green-eyed people would always be refreshing and healing. They are calm with lifestyle away from an unhealthy lifestyle. They are religious and sympathetic. Whether male or female, folks with hazel hue eyes are bold, fearless and self-made. They are always buckled to help people and are mature even at a young age. Folks with grey eyes are strong and sturdy. They are also flexible and at times cranky. They don’t fear anything and honesty is their mantra in life.

Also, if the distance between two eyes is more than normally found, such individuals have great communication skills. An individual is likely to be stubborn and cruel if the iris is low. Folks with large iris can’t keep secrets and are blabbermouth. Whereas, folks with comparatively small iris are secretive and would hardly share anything even within family. A person with a high iris is mentally unstable and dishonest. This also denotes demise at an early age to the heavenly abode. A person is bound to be a critic when eyes are closer than normal distance.

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An individual with thick eyebrows will be never short of ideas. When the eyebrow is bushy and broad at the beginning, an individual is always enthusiastic to start, whereas thick at the end indicates the individual has great closure. Folks with light eyes are highly focused. When an individual has completely messed eyebrows, he wouldn’t be able to align his thoughts with anyone. Folks would rise and shine at an early age when eyebrow hairs are higher.

Folks would be over thinkers when have extended eyebrows over the nose bridge. Angular eyebrow people are conflicting by nature, whereas those with straight are full of adaptability and creative ideas. A person with a high eyebrow is likely to be patient and those with a low are born imprudent.



Your lips can make public your relationship status in life, your creativity and how well you can connect with the other person, i.e. communicate. The size and shape of lips denote romantic inclination and skills in the realm of the artist which can be a painter, sketcher, cartoonist, etc. The artistic creativity too can be assessed with the appearance of lips.

The size of the upper lips denotes the giver of love and the lower lips would disclose how demanding a person would be when it comes to love. An individual with broad or thick lips is straight forward and would speak on the face, whereas thin lips guy would behave inversely. People with thick lower lips are a bit influential and dominating, on the other hand, folks with lower lips are introverted. Folks with puffy and broad lips are sumptuous and can’t do without love making. Folks with thin lips like to have quality relations and don’t prefer to be the centre of attraction.



The nose which is assumed to add real beauty to a face can be analyzed to get acquainted with the traits of an individual. With a hooked nose, an individual would be too demanding and dominating. They are also strong-minded and arrogant. Folks with straight noses with well-shaped and sized nostrils have patience and like to lead independent lifestyle. They have zero sense of humour and are mainly sarcastic. They like to be balanced and never get swayed away by any kind of influence.

Also, folks with a straight nose and bent tip are gloomy by nature. They don’t get jealous and are open-minded. Those with a nose with a little curve at the tip pointing high are expert and passionate folks for their work. They are go-getters who wouldn’t compromise with the target.



The forehead denotes brilliance and knowledge. Lines on the forehead denote challenges and events of the future. A broad forehead is a window to the luck of a person. They are perhaps the luckiest in terms of wealth, relationships and fortune. Birth marks on the forehead have significance associated with past life and karmas.



The part below the lower lip is said to be the chin. Its size and shape tell about will power of a person. People with large chin have strong will power and determination and vice-versa. Folk with large chin are also aggressive, stubborn and over-demanding. When the size of the chin is smaller, the particular person is obedient along with being lethargic and is habitual of procrastinating. Narrow chin folks are feeble and soft-hearted.

Folk with curved and round-shaped chins are quarrelsome and is easy to turn them on for battling. Angular chin people are always open to arguing and have less control over them. People with narrow and pointed chins usually lag due to a lack of enthusiasm and vitality whereas folks with broad chin are hard working.

Reading of Mouth

Reading of Mouth

A huge mouth denotes a talkative, extrovert and social individual. They often end up doing things abruptly since they live in their world of fantasy. On the other hand, an individual with a small mouth is vigilant, introverted and likes to be with himself only. They are private people who are secretive.

Jaw of Face

Jaw of Face

People with the perfect jawline are determined and filled with energy mostly. On the other hand, those with feeble jaws are versatile and flexible. Folks with prominent jaws are hyperactive, a little impatient, and dominating. They are intolerant, hypercritical, and voices up all that think. On the other hand, a person with a small jaw believes in maintaining harmony in life and gives their best to every relationship with honesty.

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Face reading offers a comprehensive insight into one’s traits like nature, interests and status of health. One can easily conclude the relationship compatibility, career growth and health of an individual through the Vedic study of face. To know more about your horoscope and future through birth chart, talk to astrologer at Askganesha.

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