3 major Zodiac Signs that are Foodie

03 September, 2024
Zodiac Signs that are Foodie Zodiac Signs that are Foodie

Food is not just a need but a great temptation for millions. Many folks have only one aim in life, i.e. food and they live for it. Many travel around the world from restaurant to restaurant to try new cuisines. Do you know food can spill the beans about your personality? Also, you can improve your destiny or fix the impacts of malefic planets with the help of a few changes in food habits or munching some specific food items. In this blog, we look to decode Food Astrology: Zodiac Signs that are Foodie.

Before we discuss how the effects of inauspicious planets can be reduced by developing a taste for certain food items and incorporating them in your daily life, let us help you know about yourself, whether you are a foodie or not.

Foodie Zodiac Signs

foodie zodiac signs

1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Out of the various passions, the love for food is the one thing every Taurus native is known for. Not just the taste, but the presentation of the food compels them to savour the food even if there is no space for it in the stomach. They do not like to compromise even by a pinch of salt when it comes to taste. They are often plum colored or have their bellies sticking out of their shirts, reflecting their immense love for food.

2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

It is an old saying that folks with a mole on their stomach are fond of foods. All you native of cancer may have a small or a big mole on your stomach since you are one of the most foodie signs. They tend to overeat most of the time and bloating in the stomach is no new. When seeking a restaurant, they prefer less spicy food or homemade kind of food. Folks of this zodiac sign are fond of traditional dishes. This foodie zodiac sign never likes to eat his/her plate alone. They want to share and care.

3. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Unlike Cancerians, Leo prefers quality in place of quantity when it comes to their love for food. They would taste everything in the buffet, but avoid bulk intake. They look for a complete dining experience and are extremely picky about restaurants. They like to explore new food and restaurants. Spending money on their obsession is no big deal for them. Do you know that every food you eat is associated with a specific planet? Each food item can change your fortune; all you need to know is how to eat and when to eat. In a nutshell, whatever you eat has astrological impacts on your life. Know what food astrology is all about and how food items impact on your life: Let us see in detail how food items influence your life according to astrology.

Food Astrology

Food Astrology

It is a branch of astrology that encapsulates the impact of food on distinct zodiac signs. Food astrology also provides remedies to uphold the strong state of any ruling planet, along with providing modes to transform an inauspicious planet to an auspicious state with the aid of donation and changing eating habits.

It also provides insight into knowing the events in the future along with a list of what to include in the diet chart so that you can stay healthy or stay away from any danger to life. Food astrology is also handy in maintaining prosperity, happiness and health in life for a long.

This is a tool to transform your life by eating right. Astrologers believe that meticulous eating not only keeps an individual healthy but fosters overall bliss away from the difficulties of life. Results may not be instant, but are certain and ensure positivity in your life.

Planets: Zodiac Signs and Food Items

Planets: Zodiac Signs And Food Items

Planet Sun

Planet Sun resides in the Leo zodiac sign. Leos are extremely picky about food and don’t gobble all that is served on the table. They are fond of spices, variety and quality. Those having weak Sun in the birth chart and seeking remedies to strengthen the Sun should switch to red chillies, ginger and garlic. Involving salt in the diet also helps in strengthening weak Sun. Eating foods flavoured with cinnamon, mustard and black pepper increases sun energy in life. Also, citrus fruits like oranges, grapes and plums strengthen the Sun. In grains, wheat is related to the Sun. The inclusion of wheat fosters fame and physical strength in a person. Wheat fosters strong bonds among the people.

Get an energized Surya Yantra to strengthen the Lord Sun

Planet Moon

The moon is ascendant of the Cancer Zodiac sign. This foodie zodiac sign doesn’t love too much of spices. They like to stick to routine spices. They have a special love for ice cream, chocolates and cookies and in fruits; they prefer juicy fruits mainly citrus. The moon can be strengthened by involving white in color food items such as bread, curd, rice and kheer and vermicelli. Adding dairy products to the diet enhances the lunar energy in a person's life. People with the conjunction of Moon and Rahu in their birth chart should strictly avoid foods like rice.

Also Know: Remedies for planet Moon

Planet Jupiter

Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac sign is ruled by Jupiter. Folks with sturdy Jupiter prefer spicy, oily and have a sweet tooth. If any of the above zodiac signs have a weak Jupiter, incorporating vegetables like lemon, sweet lime and tomato in the diet will help in turning a feeble Jupiter into a strong one. Iron-rich items such as Banana, milk, Besan (grounded chana powder), etc would aid in strengthening the Jupiter. Jupiter facilitates wisdom, brilliance and elderly support.

Planet Mars

According to astrology, Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio signs. These signs have a taste for salty and sweet. The natives of the above zodiac signs love to eat red pepper or red-colored foods. If your natal chart shows a feeble Mars, you can gradually improve the energy of Mars and enjoy its strength by adding red-colored food items like tomatoes, red chilies, red apples, cherries, etc to strengthen Mars.

Planet Mercury

Planet Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini's Zodiac sign. Natives of both zodiac signs have an urge for cool food items with strong taste. Apart from having a love for cold drinks, mock tails etc, they like spicy foods with a sharp-taste of spices. Folks with weak Mercury can gradually start to transform it to a strong state, by adding green leafy vegetables, salads and fruits (grapes, bananas, apples, crane berries) to their diet. A healthy diet filled with green-hued food items aids in strengthening Mercury.

Also Read: Remedies to appease Mercury

Planet Venus

Venus dominates the Taurus and Libra zodiac sign. They have sweet teeth and often get water in their mouth on getting a glimpse of sweets. The craving for sweets is no new to them which often hit them after every meal. They are fond of extreme tastes. They sort of develop an addiction to sweet food items. If your birth chart shows shaky Venus, you should switch to dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, curd, frozen yogurt and strawberries. Control your craving for junk food and switch to satvik Bhojan to strengthen your Venus and make the journey of life full of ecstasy.

Planet Saturn

Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius and Capricorn. They are fond of bitter-tasting food items like bitter gourd. They like to leave their stomach and not get overloaded post-meal. Both zodiac signs are conscious of their health and like to imbibe healthy lifestyles. Vegetables and fruits are what they want to stick to even when they are dining out. Folks with weak Saturn in the birth chart should incorporate yellow dal like Moong dal and Arhar dal along with food items bearing a bitter taste. It is also handy in getting rid of health issues about weak Saturn.

Food Astrology: An Insight into Houses Affecting Food Habits

Food Astrology: An Insight into Houses Affecting Food Habits

As per food astrology, the four houses, namely the 1st house, the 2nd house, the 9th house and the 12th house have an impact on the eating habits or tendencies of an individual. You crave, you starve, you have a sweet tooth, you eat too much or you eat less is all due to planets in these houses. 1st house dominates the heart and brain.

Whereas the second house is liable for the style of food consumption, the 9th house doesn’t have any connection with food, but the quality of food you like depends upon it. The last house, the 12th house unleashes food items that natives of the chart must give up or shouldn’t consume.

When Rahu is in 1st house of a birth chart, the native is fond of variety and wants new food always. Likewise, Ketu in 1st house signifies that such people would eat only healthy and required. They aren’t fond of or crave food. On the other hand, Saturn in the 1st house will develop a likeness towards simple, pious and satvik food. The native will be fond of refreshing food with Jupiter in 1st house.

Rahu in the 2nd house inclines individuals toward an array of cuisines. Venus in the 2nd house persuades an individual towards non-vegetarian food. Saturn in 2nd house creates a craving for vegetarian food. Jupiter in the second house is restricted to a vegetarian diet. They have a good appetite.

Food Remedies Based On Astrology

Food Remedies Based On Astrology

Please note that underneath are some generic remedies that can be tried by anyone with a particular weak planet. The result varies from person to person; however, they don’t pose any harm to the person carrying them out.

  • To strengthen the Sun, eat in Sunlight and donate wheat if the Sun is weak or in the 2nd, 7th and 8th houses.
  • The practice of eating jaggery daily after meals to strengthen Mars. Donate red dal and dhuli masoor on Tuesday. Offering red chola to Hanuman Ji is also a key to making Mars strong.
  • To strengthen the moon, eat a meal after sunset.
  • To strengthen Jupiter, add turmeric to your meals.
  • To fortify Mercury, incorporate green leafy vegetables.
  • Add sweets or donate to strengthen your Venus.
  • Distribute black dal, the Urad dal on Saturdays.
  • To Strengthen Rahu and Ketu either take Tulsi extract or Tulsi leaves after taking a bath. This enables us to lessen the malefic impacts of any of the above two planets.

In nutshell, not just what you think but what you eat also decided your fate. Healthy food is a tool to healthy life. For more such effective food astrology tips, talk to the best astrologers at Askganesha anytime.

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