Lord Ganesha Puja (FREE)
On the auspicious day of Shukl and Krishna Chaturthi every month, the Askganesha team organizes a Lord Ganesha Puja for all of our clients and visitors who submitt their prayers.

About Lord Ganesha Puja (FREE)
Lord Ganesha Puja (FREE) Performed on every Shukl and Krishna Chaturthi at Shiv Narayani Dham Temple.
View Videos of Lord Ganesha Puja done every month on You Tube
The upcoming auspicious Puja Date is 17 March 2025 (Monday)
On the auspicious day of Shukl and Krishna Chaturthi every month, we organize a Lord Ganesha Puja at Shiv Narayani Dham Temple, Rohini, Delhi for all of our clients and visitors who have submitted their prayers. This puja is done by well versed purorhit and is done for the overall fulfilment of ones desires as per their prayers. The puja and homam is done and also prasad is distributed to poor and needy people.
You can do good for others by sharing this Free Lord Ganesha puja page with your family and friends:
Submit your prayers to Lord Ganesha - FREE - No Cost at all.