Lord Jupiter Mantra

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Lord Jupiter Mantra for wisdom, childbirth, health

Brahaspati, Guru or Jupiter is the mentor of the Gods (Guru is another name of teacher in hindi). Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system in terms of its size as well as influence. Guru/Jupiter is ideogram of wisdom, righteousness, justice, childbirth and health. Lord Jupiter has a very intense influence on the horoscope of people. Those blessed with auspicious Jupiter in their horoscope achieve enough success to fulfil their desires and attain a life of luxury. Lord Jupiter/Brahaspati illumines intellect power, it is considered as the ruling planet of children’s’ mind. The ideal minimum count to chant Brahaspati mantra is minimum of 19000. It is advisable to chant the mantra early morning using a beaded tulsi rosary.

The mantra helps in alleviating one from fears and confusions thereby aids in attainment of clear thought process and peace. Especially students who chant this mantra are able to concentrate better in studies and excel in competitive exams with ease. Jupiter also being the prime planet for child birth helps in conception and also for maintaining of pregnancy. Chanting Jupiter Mantra helps in nullifying the adverse effects of malefic Jupiter planet in the horoscope.This mantra is also to be done when one is undergoing the dasha or sub dasha period of planet Jupiter

This mantra is also done to attain good health and wellbeing.

Jupiter Mantra:

|| Om Gram Grim Groom Sah Guruvey Namah ||

|| ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरुवे नमः ||

Other Mantras for Planet Jupiter

|| Devaanaanca rishinaanca gurum kaancana sannibham
Buddhi bhutam trilokesham tam namaami brihaaspatim
Om gurave namah ||


I bow down to Jupiter, teacher of gods and sages, the greatest treasure, and the most intelligent of all creation. Om, I bow to the Jupiter.

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