Nav Chandi puja
This unique puja enables the worshipper to lead a happy, healthy, prosperous life with fame and absence of malefic effects of unfavourable planets.

Benefits of Nav Chandi puja:
- The Nav Chandi puja is performed to fulfill all our desires.
- This puja enables the worshiper to lead a healthy and long life.
- Performing the Nav Chandi puja for name fame and prosperity.
- It is a puja tht is mainly performed for getting the moksha or salvation.
- Nav Chandi Puja is performed to remove all sorts of malefic planets ill- effects.
- The purity of Mind, body and soul is garnered from this puja. It also helps in making the environment pure and serene. The Nav Chandi Puja is mainly performed to spread purity-mind, body and soul at the same- time environment.
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 105
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This puja helped me gain recognition at my work place that I have been craving for a long time. All my hard work and struggles found their way when I did this puja. Jai Maa Nav Chandi.
This is one of those poojas that I can say that will save a person's life. It has brought many positive changes in my life and can assure that it will help anyone.
About Nav Chandi puja
Nav Chandi puja an elaborate, unique and rare puja which is normally performed during the time of Navratri. The significance of Nav Chandi Puja and Paath lies primarily in Navratri, as a Paath of Durga Saptashati is normally performed. It is a powerful sacrificial ritual that also includes the strength of Mantra Chanting of Durga Saptashathi Paath, each day during Navratri. Nav Chandi is a unique puja as it is said to have the power of Durga Saptashathi Mantra and its recitation during the Navratri. The puja and Yagna removes all the planetary ill effects.
The Nav Chandi puja is performing the Nav Avtar or Nine incarnation of Durga worship, as mentioned in the Chandi Purana.
The Nine Avatars are :
- Shailputri
- Brahmacharini
- Chandraghanta
- Kushmanda
- Skandamata
- Katyayani
- Kalratri
- Mahagauri
- Siddhidatri
Durga Saptashati:
Saptashati means chanting of 700 Shloka, describing the importance of Goddess Durga, and her trigunatmak Power or 3 power/ strength element. It is the one of the ancient text that describe Devi as the supreme power and energy that is the creator of all. Durga Saptashati mainly describes the fierce battle between the good and Evil. The Goddess of Supreme energy manifests her into different forms so that, peace and prosperity is maintained. Durga Saptashati text lays the foundation on the fact that the ultimate reality is nothing more than female energy. The Durga Saptashati text describes the female as the elementary creator of the Universe. The text describes her as tridevi, or the branches like the creator, Nurturer and destroyer.
The hymns written in Durga Saptashati are in the form of praises, or the one who resides in every mortal being. She is everything: Emotions and physical attributes, she is self- realization and intelligence.
Procedure of the Nav Chandi Puja / Havan:
- Cleanse your body and mind and soul. The overall cleaning and cleansing of a person.
- Take Sankalap: that means talk about the purpose of the puja you are going to Perform.
- Ganesha Pujan: Since Lord Ganesh is the God of all the auspiciousness and all new beginning so worshipping him is a nessicity.
- Then comes the Muhurat Pujan: Muhurat pujan is to remove or get rid of the sins.
- Nandi Shradh: Then comes taking the blessings from our ancestors by remembering them.
- Then comes the Nav Chandi Paath, or Durga Saptashathi Path that is a ritualistic Puja. The Durgasaptashati paath helps in getting the desired boon.
Importance of Nav Chandi Paath or Puja:
The Nav Chandi Puja / Havan help in getting the blessings of Goddess. The Nav Chandi puja and yagna has the ability to create a pious and energetic environment. Since the Nav Chandi puja combines the powers of divine mother, hence it is exceptional and matchless.

Online Puja Highlights
- Free Mahurat Calculation by Astrologer
- Puja is done in Vedic form with no side effects on anyone.
- Personalized Puja and Homam done only for you.
- 100% Guarantee
- Real proof of the puja done is also sent to you.
- View Pictures of Nav Chandi puja
- Puja done by Well Versed Experienced Purohits
- Why People Trust us!
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 105
View Pictures of Nav Chandi puja

What is Nav Chandi Puja?
Nav Chandi puja is an elaborate, unique and rare puja which is normally performed during the time of Navratri. This Puja includes all the nine forms of Chandi who are worshipped during each day of the Navratri. These nine incarnations of Chandi are Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri.
What is the significance of Nav Chandi Puja?
The significance of Nav Chandi Puja and Paath is that it is a powerful sacrificial ritual that includes the strength of Mantra Chanting of Durga Saptashathi Paath, each day during Navratri. Nav Chandi is a unique puja as it is said to have the power of the Durga Saptashathi Mantra and its recitation during the Navratri. The puja and Yagna remove all the planetary ill effects. The Nav Chandi puja is worshipping the Nav Avatar or nine incarnations of Durga as mentioned in the Chandi Purana.
What are the benefits of Nav Chandi Puja?
This puja is mainly performed for getting the Moksha or salvation. Nav Chandi Puja is performed to remove all sorts of malefic planet ill- effects. The purity of mind, body and soul is garnered from this puja. It also helps in making the environment pure and serene. The Nav Chandi Puja is mainly performed to spread purity of mind, body and soul and of the environment. Contact Askganesha to perform this Puja online on your behalf.
How many days does it take to complete the Nav Chandi Path?
Nav Chandi Path consists of worshipping nine forms of the Durga or Chandi. Every form of the Chandi has been assigned a day during the Navratri. Each day of the Navratri one of the Nav Chandi is worshipped, so, the Nav Chandi Path takes nine days to get completed.
What is Durga Saptshati and why is it recited during the Nav Chandi Puja?
Durga Saptshathi is the collection of 700 shlokas describing the importance of Goddess Durga, and her trigunatmak shakti or power. It is one of the ancient texts that describe Devi as the supreme power and energy that is the creator of all. We recite this path during Nav Chandi Puja as it eulogizes all forms of Devi Chandi or Devi Durga and seeks her blessings for a happy life.
Read Customer Reviews
I performed this puja because my health was deterioting after I hit 30. Some or other health problem was happening to me. I was out of the options to work on, that is when I realised i needed to do something different.
My Kal sarp dosha was getting so worse. I was always seen fighting and arguing with my loved ones. My professional life was also suffering. Other pujas did help but this puja really helped me in getting rid of the major problems. Thanks a lot for advising this puja.
This puja is a life saviour. It helped me get rid of the problems that I was facing in my meditation and concentration practice. After this puja my mind and soul got at peace.
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God Bless You.
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We provide 100% proof of the puja done. We have clients getting pujas done from the last many years. We assure you pujas are done in the best possible vedic process.