Sudarshan Homam
Sudarshan homam helps in invoking blessings of Lord Sudarshan in the form of destruction of negative and evil energies surrounding and affecting the devotee. Lord Sudarshan is the first step to realisation of the supreme God, Lord Vishnu. Sudarshan homam benefits the devotees by protecting them against evil eye and black magic. The homam creates an aura around the devotee that wards off the enemies from the path of success and prosperity. The homam also benefits in gaining wealth and a sound health. The devotee acquires peace of mind and gets relief from harmful and toxic energies.

Benefits of Sudarshan Homam :
- The homam bestows the devotee with successful results and victorious outcomes.
- It helps in restoring the health and brings peace to the mind of the devotee.
- Sudarshan Homam has also been rewarding in terms of gaining wealth and prosperity.
- Homam provides power to gain victory even over the most powerful enemy.
- Sudarshan homam provides protection from negative energies caused by black magic or evil eye that disrupt a person’s conscious or unconscious state of mind.
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 72
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I performed sudarshan homam because I wanted great results in my new project. Sudarshan homam is really effective. It really helped me in getting success
I want to thank this website known as as it has helped me get back to my normal life, my wife started acting abnormal and thats when I knew I had to do something, thankfully I landed at this website and the astrologer didn't try to scare me and asked me to perform this pooja. After performing the pooja, with the grace of almight and bhagwan Vishnu, my wife started getting better. She is fully recovered now
About Sudarshan Homam
Lord Sudarshan derives its origin from the Sudarshan Chakra. Sudarshan Chakra is a spinning wheel like weapon used by Lord Vishnu to provide instant relief to the sufferings of his devotees. Saint Vishwakarma created a powerful object from the extra shavings of Surya Deva (Lord Sun). The object came to be known as Sudarshan Chakra. The chakra was believed to consist 108 serrated edges and the power of a million suns. Lord Vishnu is portrayed as holding sudarshan chakra in one of his hands. Lord Vishnu used this weapon to powerfully slice the negative energies with a motion.
Sudarshan is a Sanskrit word that means ‘divine vision’. Those who perform Sudarshan homam, are blessed with the divine vision of the Supreme Being and often watch their sufferings go away within a matter of days. Sudarshan homam is basically beneficial for those who are in need of relief from sufferings caused by an evil eye or black magic. When a person performs Sudarshan homam, he/she is blessed by Lord Sudarshan with the power to fight off evil and conquer even the most powerful enemies staging any kind of threat to the addressee. The devotee performing Sudarshan homam experience purification at the deepest level and enjoys rejuvenation of the soul.
Sudarshan homam is advised to be performed on the auspicious days of Ekadashi, Dwadashi and Poornima. A priest can suggest the most auspicious day to perform Sudarshan homam after looking at the horoscope or birth chart of the devotee. The devotee performing homam must abstain from consuming alcohol and non vegetarian food a day before and up till 7 days of performing the homam. The devotee must be fasting during the pooja and is advised to take a head bath and wear clean clothes in order to carry out the homam.

Online Puja Highlights
- Free Mahurat Calculation by Astrologer
- Puja is done in Vedic form with no side effects on anyone.
- Personalized Puja and Homam done only for you.
- 100% Guarantee
- Real proof of the puja done is also sent to you.
- View Pictures of Sudarshan Homam
- Puja done by Well Versed Experienced Purohits
- Why People Trust us!
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 72
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Who is Lord Sudarshan?
Lord Sudarshan derives its origin from the powerful Sudarshan Chakra. Sudarshan Chakra is the devastating weapon of Lord Vishnu who carries it on the top of the finger of his hand. On just a gesture of Lord Vishnu, Lord Sudarshan is ready to wreak havoc on the demons, negative and evil forces along with enemies of God and humanity.
What is Sudarshan Homam?
Sudarshan Homam is a Vedic ritual to appease Lord Sudarshan, who derives its origin from the Sudarshan Chakra. This homam is done to invoke the powers and strength of Sudarshan Chakra, the devastating weapon of Lord Vishnu. Various mantras are chanted along with Homam and Yagyas and offerings of different objects to Lord Sudarshan. This Homam destroys all negative and evil forces around the native. Contact Askganesha astrologers for more information.
What are the benefits of performing Sudarshan Homam?
The homam bestows the devotee with successful results and victorious outcomes. It helps in restoring health and brings peace to the mind of the devotee. Sudarshan Homam has also been rewarding in terms of gaining wealth and prosperity. Homam provides power to gain victory even over the most powerful enemy. Sudarshan homam provides protection from negative energies caused by black magic or evil eye that disrupt a person's conscious or unconscious state of mind.
Who should perform Sudarshan Homam?
Sudarshan homam is basically beneficial for those who are in need of relief from suffering caused by an evil eye or black magic. When a person performs Sudarshan homam, he/she is blessed by Lord Sudarshan with the power to fight off evil and conquer even the most powerful enemies staging any kind of threat to the addressee. The devotee performing Sudarshan homam experience purification at the deepest level and enjoys rejuvenation of the soul.
When should we perform Sudarshan Homam?
Sudarshan homam is advised to be performed on the auspicious days of Ekadashi, Dwadashi and Poornima. A priest can suggest the most auspicious day to perform Sudarshan homam after looking at the horoscope or birth chart of the devotee. If required to perform on other days, then this homam can be performed on any other auspicious day as calculated by a learned astrologer or priest. Contact Askganesha astrologers for calculating an auspicious Muhurat for you.
Read Customer Reviews
I performed sudarshan homam when i felt my whole life breadking down. My business was collapsing, and health was really bad. This homam has got me back on my feet. Thankyou so much and sudarshan homam
We should never ever say that we don't trust god. God srsly test us and make us believe in him. my personal life suffered a lot due to personal reasons. I ordered sudarshan homam on the recommendation of a friend and guess what God really exist, it has really helped me
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