Moon Sign Horoscopes

Moon in Astrology has a special effect on the different signs of the Zodiac and it depends upon the placement of Moon in your horoscope. Check your Moon Sign Here

Know more about your Moon Sign in Detail

The Moon has a very definite effect on the mind, emotions and body of a living organism. During night, it is found that Moon creates the tidal effect on seas and oceans and as we know the human body contains seventy percent of water. Therefore, Moon has a great impact on the persons intellect and thinking. This has been analyzed by scientists all over the world while our sages had discovered the effect of Moon on human beings millions of years ago.

The full moon is an emotional high tide time when you get to assess and see where you are emotionally. In the days following the full moon but before the next new moon, get a plan together to maximize what's great or to make changes that will make you feel more comfortable.

The new moon put energy into something you want to grow or become stronger or more important in your life. The power of the new moon phase is in effect until the full moon where as the waning Moon decreases the energy

Astrology Predictions for All Moon Signs













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