Saraswati Wallpapers

Saraswati Wallpaper
Saraswati Wallpaper
Saraswati Wallpaper
Saraswati Wallpaper
Saraswati Wallpaper
Saraswati Wallpaper
Saraswati Wallpaper
Saraswati Wallpaper

Devi Sarasvati Wallpaper

Devi Sarasvati is the goddess of knowledge, education, arts, music and speech. She is worshipped y the people who pursue higher education and by those who in the field of music and arts. She blesses her devotees with knowledge, wisdom, intellect, clarity of thoughts, impressive and clear speech, and good vocabulary. Mahasarasvati is considered as one of the nine incarnations of Shakti or the Feminine power. She is mostly depicted in white clothes having veena and Vedas representing musicand knowledge. She carries a lotus flower in one of her hands, depicting purity of soul and spiritualism.

Having the wallpaper of Devi Sarasvati on your gadget will provide divine positivity to your thoughts and behaviour. If you belong to the field of education, arts or music, this wallpaper can be of immense help to you. It would be like having the divine blessings of Maa Sarasvati around you all the time. The first Darshan of Maa Sarasvati in the morning will give you strength and power to attain new skills along with her blessings. 

Askganesha provides you with these remedial wallpapers to start your day with the blessings of the Goddess of knowledge and wisdom. Students having difficulty in grasping and memorising should certainly install the wallpaper in which Devi Saraswati is seated on a white lotus. This represents light, enlightenment and purity. This will help in removing all the unnecessary thoughts from your mind leading to focus and concertation on your education. Have the first darshan of Maa Saraswati with a wish to focus on your learning and wishing for capacity and powers to remember and retain whatever you learn. Your thoughts will become clear and wisdom will be bestowed upon you. Start your learning with Darshan of Maa Saraswati every time and you will find how things are getting simplified to you. 

The wallpapers in which She is having a crystal Mala can help people who are always indecisive and find it difficult to separate the right from the wrong. This wallpaper will help you in distinguishing a right thing from the wrong, a right person from a wrong one. In this way, you will start making the right decisions at the right time. 

People in the field of music and arts should install the wallpaper of Devi Saraswati holding Veena, which represents knowledge of all fine arts, music and creativity.

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