All about the Narsimha Avatar and Narsimha Puja to Ward off All Evils and Hazards

01 May, 2023
All about the Narsimha Avatar and Narsimha Puja to Ward off All Evils and Hazards All about the Narsimha Avatar and Narsimha Puja to Ward off All Evils and Hazards

Lord Vishnu is the sole defender of the universe hence He takes up the task of protecting the lives of the people living on this very earth. He always goes on maintaining the peaceful existence of the humans. The Lord has incarnated on earth from time to time to eliminate all sorts of evils, defend mankind from brutal atrocities of demons and kings, and build the ultimate righteousness, in order to achieve the particular goal. 

Narasimha, Lord Vishnu’s fourth incarnation on Earth, is one of the hallowed incarnations or so to say Avatars. He is such a kind of form where it is noticed that He has a human body and a lion's head.  In the Satya Yuga, it is thought to have produced this Narasimha Avatar. He is believed to be the furthermost intense incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The 4th incarnation is recognized for being fierce as He has to combat a deadly fight with a sinister monster and remove all kinds of ills that are directed against His ardent devotees, as well as to protect them from danger inflicted by the vicious demon king. People who have embraced the Vaishnava faith go on revering him in large numbers.

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We have come to know of Lord Vishnu's various incarnations those have occurred at various eras in order to save His worshippers from the dominion of the evil and to benefit the people who love peace and want to live without any fracas having their glance fixed at the lotus feet of the Lord.  According to the Hindu scriptures, Lord Vishnu had taken a Varaha (Boar) Avatar to hold the globe from the Patal Lok and killed the tyrant demon Hiranyaksha, the brother of Hranyakashipu. The next incarnation, Lord Narasimha, was the one who demolished Hiranyakashipu the evil demon. 

How Lord Narasimha is Portrayed?

Lord Narasimha, Lord Vishnu's lion-man avatar, with a head of a lion and the torso of a human in the lower body. He is always represented with a ferocious expression. His face is wide agape, bulging eyes protruding, and many hands holding various weapons. One of his hands is in Abhaya mudra, or in a blessing stance, all the while. As Lakshmi Narasimha, he is sometimes seen seated quietly by the side of His consort Goddess Lakshmi.

Lord Narasimha is characterised in numerous forms in addition to his bodily appearances. He is reported to have more than 74 forms in terms of numerous postures and weapons that he is holding in his hands. It is told in various scriptures too that each form of the Lord should be worshipped with utmost discipline, depending on the stance of the Lord. There are many forms of the Lord such as Krodha Narasimha, Jwala Narasimha, Malola Narasimha, Bhargava Narasimha, Yoga Narasimha, Karanja Narasimha and Lakshmi Narasimha. Besides these thre are other forms byut the above mentioned ones are the most common forms that are frequently located.

The Tale of Narasimha Avatar

Once two sons were born to Diti , the mother of the demon community. Their names were Hiranyaksha and Hiranyokashipu. Lord Vishnu in the Avatar form of Barah (boar) demolished Hiranakshya. This slaying of his brother made Hiranyokashipu enraged. He declared that by any means he would kill Lord Vishnu and take revenge of his brother. To win immortality he began to meditate or go on for excessive Taposya. His intense meditation was so powerful that Lord Brahma could not but appear before the demon. The demon as it is, asked for the boon of immortality. Lord Brahma granted him such a boon that the demon would not be killed on water, land and sky. He would neither die within or out of his chamber, neither at night nor during daytime. No animal, no arms, no fight could cause his death. He would remain unbeatable everywhere. This boon made the demon powerful and at the same time boastful. He began torturing the humans and at the same time the gods were being humiliated by him every now and then.

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On the other hand a son of Hirnyakashipu was a dedicated devotee of Lord Vishnu. He had firm faith on the lotus feet of the Lord. Hiranyakashipu tried to nab him by all means but every attempt of him failed. Prahlad was escaped by the grace of Lord Vishnu. Having been failed in every attempt Hiranyakashipu asked his son Prahlad to show his Lord Vishnu who had made him so bold and arrogant. Prahlad declared that his Lord lives everywhere. Even He may be found within a column too. The demon king laughed at him and showed an intense desire to see the Lord hidden within a column. Prahald prayed to his God. Vishnu was pleased at his prayer. The moment Hiranyakashipu broke the column with his brute force, the Lord half lion half human in form emerged with fury. Lord Narasimha placed Hiranyakashipu on his lap and tore open his guts.

All about Narasimha Puja

Narasimha Puja is done on the chaurdashi tithi of shukla paksha. On this very day the Lord appeared on this earth to demolish all kinds of sin and save His devotees. As the deity own half of his stature as lion and half of human He is called Narasimha, Nar+ Simha. In Hindu scriptures He is referred to as the 4th Avatar of Lord Vishnu. If one worships Him on this particular day he may get passed all kinds of hazards and evade the oncoming ominous periods. Lord Sri Hari Himself comes to save him from all kinds of hazardous situations and obstacles. 

Now let us cast a glance on the specific benefits of Narasimha Puja.

Once someone decides to worship Lord Narsimha and goes for fasting, the devotee may win the grace of the Lord and at the very same time can evade all types of difficulties coming on his way. Not only this, the devotee can be the owner of riches and wealth at the same time. His glory spread far and near and he by the grace of the Lord can get rid of all types of sins. Numerous things in the form of blessings are showered on him too on the other hand. 

Read More on Narsimha Jayanti

Though people in various corners of India go for the worship of Lord Narsimha, it generally noted that the people of the Southern India show enough enthusiasm to worship the Lord. The Vaishnav clans of the Southern India go for Narsimha Puja when they feel that evil time has arrived. To rescue themselves and their associates they go for fasting and arrange the Puja of the Lord. The Lord is worshipped as the rescuer of all turmoil. The clan also believes that once the Lord is worshipped they will have no need in this mundane world and they will easily sail to the heaven after their demise.

The Narsimha Puja Rituals

On the very Narasimha Jayanti one should get up from bed just at the Brahma Muhurat and take a holy bath. Thereafter donning the clean attire one should remember from the core of the heart the Narasimha Avatar. Thereafter the resolution to go for a fast is taken. The idol or picture of the Lord is placed on a wooden platform that is also cleaned with proper care. After installing the idol or picture of the Lord one should place an idol or picture of Goddess Lakshmi on the same platform and go for worshipping the both.

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First of all sprinkling of the Ganges water is done everywhere to make the place a holy one. Then one should arrange Kumkum, jafran, flowers, panchmeba, coconut, akshat and yellow cloth. For the Puja things such as Ganga water, black til, panch gabyo, and the materials for Hawan are also needed. Then aarti is done with ringing of the bell and Bhog is offered to the Lord. It is advised to stay awake at night. One can spend the night by meditating, through Japa or discoursing. On this very day it is very auspicious to go for charity to the destitute. Those who keep the Vrat must offer til, gold or clothes. If these are donated, all sorts of happiness are showered on the devotees who go for these special rituals.

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Many devotees worship Lord Narasimha with ardent reverence at homes and in various temples. Some fast until dusk, some go for the whole day. It is believed that going for prayers or fasting can offer one with numerous benefits like diminishing all kinds of sins, curing multiple fatal diseases and keeping aside negative impacts of planets and evil forces. The fulfillment of honest desires is also noticed when one goes for the Narasimha Puja. Longevity, wealth, success etc can be achieved and this special Puja can lead one towards salvation or Moksha too.

Anecdotes Related to Lord Narasimha Puja

It is mentioned in the Hindu scriptures that Lord Narasimha appeared at the time of dusk on the Shukla Chaturdashi or the 14th lunar day of the bright fortnight, in the month of Vaishaka (April-May). At that very moment Swati Nakshatra was on a ruling position in the cosmos. This day is observed too as Narasimha Jayanthi when people from all strata of life go for the Narasimha Puja, the very worship of the mighty and compassionate Lord with extreme fervor and utmost devotion.



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