Rishi Panchami 2023: Date, Puja Vidhi and its Importance

09 May, 2023
Rishi Panchami 2023: Date, Puja Vidhi and its Importance Rishi Panchami 2023: Date, Puja Vidhi and its Importance

We are now going to elaborate everything related to the Rishi Panchami 2023.While discussing we must keep it in mind that Rishi Panchami is a Hindu festival observed in India and abroad to honor 7 great sages or Sapta Rishis. It falls on the 5th day of the Hindu month of Bhadrapada. On this day, women have a holy dip in a river or a sacred water body with an earnest desire to wash away their sins and impurities. Thereafter they go for fasting and offer heir heartfelt devotion to the sages in the form of prayers. It is still believed among people of India that observing Rishi Panchami, one can attain salvation or Moksha, the total freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Let us cast a glance at the very day of Rishi Panchami 2023.

Rishi Panchami 2023: Date and Muhurat

In 2023, Rishi Panchami falls on Wednesday, September 20, 2023. People may perform puja on the day. The Rishi Panchami Puja Muhurat is from 11:01 AM to 01:28 PM. The duration of the auspicious moments will be 2 Hours 27 Minutes. According to Hindu almanac, the Panchami Tithi will start at 01:43 PM on Sep 19, 2023, and will come to an end at 02:16 PM on Sep 20, 2023.

Why do People Observe Fast on Rishi Panchami?

Rishi Panchami is a holy Hindu festival observed in India and abroad. It is held on the 5th day of the bright half of Bhadrapada. On this day, seven sages, or the Sapta Rishis,   Kashyapa, Atri, , Vishvamitra, Gautama Bharadwaja ,Jamadagni and Vashishtha described in the ancient scriptures of India are worshipped to purify mankind from their various sins.

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Both men and women can fast on Rishi Panchami 2023. By keeping the said Vrat, they can purify their body and soul and win the blessings of the 7 Rishis. The fast also helps to attain absolute spiritual progress and total enlightenment.

The aspirants go for the fast on Rishi Panchami for a full day, starting from sunrise until sunset. During this time, devotees keep themselves away from   consuming any kind of food even a drop of water. Some people follow a different measure avoiding the use of salt, sugar, and various other spices in their food. Instead, they have fruits, milk, and other foods that are called pure and sattvic.

Keeping fast on Rishi Panchami means a form of penance for any sins committed either knowingly or unknowingly. Hence through fasting, one can cleanse themselves of all kinds of impurities and negative energies and aspire for the blessings of the Sapta Rishis for a virtuous vibrant life. Along with fasting the devotees also visit temples and go for Puja rituals to seek the blessings of the said Sapta Rishis. They go on reading the stories, legends and various hymns associated with the sages and thereafter offer prayers and devout offerings in their honor.

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According to the very devotees it is fasting on Rishi Panchami that helps them enough to purify their body and soul. Moreover, this fasting leads to the blessings offered to them by the 7 sages or the great Sapta Rishis. The fast and he rituals followed in due course help them to seek the blessings of the Rishis for a devout spiritual journey and enlightenment. Moreover, it is also a form of penance for all kinds of sins committed knowingly or unknowingly. It is the urgent goal of the devotees to seek the blessings of the sages to lead a fulfilling life.

Story Behind Celebrating Rishi Panchami 

 Hindu mythology is of opinion that the Sapta Rishis played a significant role in shaping the ultimate course of the human civilization. With the aid of immense knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual insight they knew that what catastrophe the humans in the later period are going to face. Hence they tried their level best to avert the humans from all kinds of dangers and mishaps. They wanted to steer the path of the humans through the path of   temptations, lust and avarice. They were well aware of the human weaknesses and tried to lead them light by all means.

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One day, when the Sapta Rishis were performing their daily rituals a dog appeared there. They were so engrossed in their daily rituals that they failed to notice the dog and accidentally stepped on the tail of the stray dog. Time rolled on. Later he realization flashed in their minds that it was their utter mistake to trample the tail of the helpless stay dog and felt guilty for committing such an inhuman act of trampling the tail of a dog who had no intention to do harm to them.

The Sapta Rishis then thought how to purify themselves of their sins. They went on fasting and performed penance for a handful of days. Thereafter, they achieved purity and utter redemption. Thus, the festival of Rishi Panchami is observed in India and abroad to honor this event and to seek the blessings of the Sapta Rishis. The occasion is also highly notable for people to seek exoneration for their past sins and to vow to lead a life free from all kinds of sins.

Puja Rituals on Rishi Panchami 2023

Here are the rituals that one should perform on Rishi Panchami 2023:

One should take a holy dip and wear clean clothes.

Thereafter they have to arrange all the Puja items like lamps, incense sticks, turmeric powder, vermillion, camphor, flowers, fruits, sweets.

Invocation of Gods

The Puja starts with the invocation of Lord Ganesha to seek His blessings.

He is offered some flowers and sweets.

Materials offered to the Saptarishis:

Lighting a diya (lamp) one should offer it to the Saptarishis along with some water in the right palm and recite the following mantra:

“Om Saptarishibhyo Namah” ( I salute to the 7 great sages).

Thereafter one should offer turmeric powder and vermillion to the idols or pictures of the Saptarishis.

Offerings of flowers, fruits, and sweets are also done.

Some flowers are taken and placed at the entrance of the home to invoke the entry of wisdom and knowledge.

Finally the Puja is over by the Aarti of the Saptarishis and it is the time to seek their blessings

It must be kept in mind that the Sapta Rshi Puja rituals are not specific. The rituals vary from region to region, and some people may go on adding or omitting certain steps based on their specific traditions and beliefs.

What to Rake During Rishi Panchami Vrat in 2023?

During the Vrat, it is obvious for many people to observe a fast and take only satvik food items like fruits such as bananas, apples, grapes, pomegranates, watermelons, and papayas. Milk and dairy products may be initialed too. Nuts and dry fruits like almonds, cashews, raisins, and dates can also be consumed to a moderate quantity. Sabudana khichdi a tasty and filling dish can be had during Rishi Panchami Vrat. 

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Fresh vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin and gourd may be taken during the observation of the said Vrat. 

It is mandatory that everyone should take foods absolutely vegetarian. He/she should never consume onions, garlic and other things regarded as non-vegetarian items. It is essential to remain hydrated by in taking plenty of water, coconut water, and fruit juices if possible.

Importance of Rishi Panchmi in Jainism

In Jainism, this day is observed too as Samvatsari Parva.It marks the end of the Paryushana Parva, a holy period of sound austerity, self-discipline, and total forgiveness. On Rishi Panchami, the Jains also pay homage to the Rishis or sages who have done a lot to contribute to the development of the very Jainism. According to Jain thoughts these are the rishis who were the forerunners of the Jain faith and have brought with them the teachings of Lord Mahavira to the mass so to say.

Jains too observe fasts and perform penance on this particular day so that they can get forgiveness for sins committed knowingly or unknowingly. It is a time for self introspection, and spiritual growth. On this day, they also go for rituals such as the Samvatsari Pratikramana, a ceremony in which they seek forgiveness from all living beings for doing any harm to them. This ritual involves confessing one’s faults to the others and seeking forgiveness from them too.

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In Jainism, it is the Rishi Panchami that holds immense importance as it marks the very end of the Paryushana Parva, a period of self-realization and spiritual rejuvenation. It is a day to find forgiveness, make various amends, and strive towards self-improvement by all means. It is an opportunity to purify the mind, body and soul to lead a virtuous life.

To Conclude

Now we have reached to fag end of our blog Rishi Panchami 2023. To recoil the theme we can have the idea that going through penance and self introspection it is salvation that is had. It means that if people remain abstain from any evil deed and keep themselves away from all kinds of mundane sins it is the inner soul in the form of Rishi Panchami 2023 that will surely lead them proper light.


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