Time and Date of Meeting Your Partner

24 March, 2025
Time and Date of Meeting Your Partner Time and Date of Meeting Your Partner

Every phase of life comes up with twists and turns. On being approached by adolescents, questions about life partners, marriage and progeny overpowers the young age curiosity. The journey of reaching up to a soul mate involves turmoil, breakups, rejections, and heartbreaks. To avoid emotional breakdown, it is important to know that Astrology has been immensely useful and acting like a GPS, a guiding force on life’s roadmap from time immemorial. It can help you with a sense of satiety by letting you know when you are going to meet your partner for life. In this blog, we look to find an answer to the question can you know the time and date of meeting your partner?

Relationship Prediction by Astrology

Relationship Prediction by Astrology

Mystery can be solved by Astrology and gain insight into the beginning of the love life of an individual along with the drifts in life, broken relationships, marriage time relationship with partner, etc. To know the whole love life trajectory, astrology can be fruitful and help the individual to get emotionally and mentally prepared. Understanding the fragility of emotions of male and female, knowing the time of arrival of partner will be highly fruitful.

Birth Chart Reading

The date of birth, timing, and year of every individual is different and so is the planetary configuration at the time of birth. This is the reason why the time of meeting the life partner is different for every person and through astrology, by testing the position of Venus, the planet of love, and the seventh house, it can be found out what will be the time of meeting the life partner. Take a look at every aspect that plays a significant role in depicting the time of the partner:

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The Seventh House- Know the Period of Marriage

The seventh house is associated with the lifetime romantic partnership, the marriage. With this house, one can get acquainted with the traits of a partner, the kind of relationship, and probably the age when you can enter into matrimonial wedlock. The planet that reigns in the 7th house spills the beans about the better half. When Venus is in the 7th house of any Taurus or Libra native, relationship dynamics are predicted harmonious. In the case of Capricorn or Aquarius, marriage will be late when the seventh house is ruled by Saturn. As said earlier, the time of the meeting partner is concluded when Venus and Jupiter reign in the 7th house or transits.

Jupiter and Saturn's positions indicating partner's meeting

The two planets, Saturn and Jupiter also play a key role in depicting the time of the wedding. Saturn, though is also said to be the planet causing delay, can also facilitate the meeting with the soul mate fostering a long and strong relationship. Saturn's transit in the 7th house can give you the time when you have great possibilities of entering into a relationship. The benefit movement of Jupiter across the 7th house can also give the idea of meeting with a special person.

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Mars and Venus: Time of Romantic Affairs

Infatuation, attraction, romance, and love may take over the life of an individual due to the Mars and Venus planets. The position of both planets in the birth chart gives a clue about the love in your life. Meeting your soulmate is most likely to happen when either of the two planets transits auspiciously in the birth chart.

Progressions of Moon, Venus and Mars

Progression of the Moon, Venus, or Mars can also let you know the period of meeting your partner. Moon progresses through a birth chart in 28 days and indicates great prospects of having romance in life. Also, love life will experience a kick start when the progressed Moon transits in the 7th house or aspects Venus. Likewise, the Progression of Mars and Venus also indicates the time of love and wedding bells.

Karmic relationship by Lunar Nodes

The North and South nodes of the lunar node are also used to depict the entry of soul mates in life. When the North and South Node aspects the reigning planet of the 7th house or Venus, It is assumed that an individual is likely to enter into a karmic relationship. It denotes the relationship of past birth and carried forward to this birth. It is assumed to be life changing relationship.

Also Read: Delay in Marriage According to Astrology

Can you know the Exact Date and Time?

Can you know the Exact Date and Time

Based on the planetary movement and position at a time, astrologers can tell you the period and age at which the possibility of meeting your life partner is high. Through astrology possibilities can be unveiled, but not the exact time and date. The chances of meeting a life partner or getting romantically inclined will be high when Jupiter transits through the 7th house of birth chart as Jupiter is the planet of fortune. Similarly, the benefic Venus and Mars can ignite the spark of romance in one’s life. The status of the fifth house in the birth chart unveils the romance and affairs in life.

Conclusion: Finding Love through Astrology

It is highly important to understand that astrology is a tool to help you make the right choices in the changed circumstances or keep you ready for the forthcoming changes in life. It cannot predict your future with 100% accuracy. You can navigate safely through the difficult times with astrology as life has to be filled with emotional, mental, and financial ups and downs no matter who you are. Consultancy with a proficient astrologer can keep your spirits high in every circumstance. Talk to best astrologer at Askganesha to stay equipped for the life ahead.

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